
Animal slaughter for meat?

by  |  earlier

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was wondering what your opinions on animal slaughter, if you are against it, what would need to be done to make your more accepting of it?




  1. I'm a vegetarian, and I have been for about a year. Basically, I don't think that something should have to die so that I can have food to eat. It's not like meat is our only option. I don't eat cows, fish, chicken, or other animals because I know that I wouldn't eat my own pets. I also don't think there is a humane way to go about killing animals. I mean, is there a humane way to kill your mom? Best friend? A stranger? In my opinion, the answer is no. I don't think anything could be done to make me more accepting of it, either.

  2. I'm against slaughtering animals for meat. I would never eat meat, because I'm healthier without it and it's not necessary for animals to die in order to satisfy my taste buds.

    No slaughter can ever be considered truly "humane". As long as animals are regarded as just a food source, they will be abused and treated as commodities. There are some forms of slaughter that are less cruel than others. Controlled-atmosphere killing is the best; the animals are gassed to death instead of being dumped into scalding hot water tanks.

    Here's a video that compares conventional killing with controlled atmosphere killing:

  3. I am vehemently opposed to the murder/exploitation of animals for food, clothing, or any other purposes.

    And no, there isn't anything that could be done to make me "more accepting of it."

  4. Since I am a moderate meat eater and not involved with the slaughter of cattle, whatever present method, better than whacking it in the head with a sledgehammer which can be used is O.K. with me. Since chicken is a large part of our diet and we raised all of those consumed by the family when I was a child, the procedure never bothered me. The same was true for squirrels, which we hunted.

  5. I eat meat but I don't agree with the way some animals are killed.. As long as it is done humanely, I'm ok with it.

  6. I grew up with grandparents and they farmed for their own use.  You can only grow so many vegetables for processing or they spoil before you can get all of them in.  The weather can spoil some crops if you get too much water or sun. Animals also used to eat your crops.  To control wild population from vegitating on our food, we fenced some crops, but corn, wheat and potatoes were attacked often.  Occasionally we took a deer out and we never wasted what we took from the earth.  We had chickens and the neighbors steer.  Another neighbor had milk cows and eggs.  We traded products including early and late crops of vegetables.  When winter came, the meat supplied extra calorie and fat to make up the soup that was eaten and supply protein to sustain the family.  Less food was eaten.  Potatoes and bread were often used to stretch food.  You were told to appreciate every bid of the meat as it was a gift from god to sustain you and if you wasted it , you were creating a sin.  People go to grocery stores and never realize what it means to not have today.  If you had to kill it, clean it and use it, you would learn to use all of it like the American Indians.  When you cut plants, they do faint.  They did a study on plants by hooking electrodes to them when they had music played or were pruned.  They are also alive.  When you pick the fruit or beans, you are picking the seed that is their babies.  Life is a cycle.  If you never used animals for food, they would eat all your food and the competition for food would make people and animals too lean and malnourished.  I have seen deer starving in the winter.  It is not pretty.

  7. i dont think its okay to be using animals for food or medicine.

    i dont think its acceptable to take away someone elses life to better your own. nothing would make me more accepting of animal slaughter

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