
Animal testing!? ?do u support it?

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Aer you aware that procter and gamble test their products on animals and then destroy them?some of these products include Ariel, tide ,Leanor, bold,fairy these are just a few. Do you care would you consider to stop using the products made by this company ? please ans were truthly .As i wish to know your thoughts on this .




  1. i dont support testing on animals for no reason.i try NOT to get sick so i dont have to take meds.i use a lot (mostly) stuff that is not tested on animals.i will never support it.

  2. I certainly don't like the idea of it.  However, I don't want to use something on myself that could cause a severe allergic reaction either...I really wish they could find a safer, no animals involved way.  

  3. Using animals to test things like cosmetics and soaps and things like that seems to be unnecessary. However, medical testing and research using animals is absolutely needed and I believe it should be supported 100%.  

  4. I support animal testing for medical reason.

    But not for comestic or household reasons as you have described- I don't buy products that are tested on animals, but I feel that medication is totally different and needed.

  5. i dont see why people should test on animals i would love to go up to someone whith a new prouduct that has not been testedand rub it all over them its cuel and it makes me cry on what they do and i am glad we dont use them soap powders and i always look cause im allergic to some

  6. I don't think that in this age that it is necessary, what with cloning of cells etc. They could clone an eye for testing products etc, yes It has to be stopped.

  7. Yes, I support animal testing.  I would not boycott P&G because they test on animals instead of putting the products on the market untested to be used on people's children.  

  8. I think it's really sad. And I totally do not support it. But I use pantene and it's my favorite shampoo, so unless I find a better one, I think I'll keep using it. But i feel really bad.  

  9. i don't support animal testing. i would stop using products made by companies that test on animals. i stopped using herbal essence shampoo because they (at least used to) test on animals.  

  10. Not trying to be mean but people just don't understand.. They use mostly rabbits in which we have no need for and they breed so much there is plenty of them. Would you want them to use people, which is more 'Cruel'?

  11. h**l No!! Its horrid! Animals have feelings too they feel pain etc why should we test on animals im sure if people tried harder they could find some other way to test things, With all the medical stuff and science these days.

  12. I'm totally against animal testing.Procter and Gamble have a lot to answer for.They should test them on humans like they do some meds and pay them for these trials.would help people as its people that these items will be used on.

  13. I definitely do not agree with animal testing. I am aware of many companies that test on animals and keep away from them, although there are plenty of companies that test that are 'hidden' in many products, for example loreal test on animals but they also own lancome. Things like that are hard to detect and i'm sure there are many people who unwittingly buy these products not realising who's really behind them. It's also a pain in the backside when every product you pick up seems to be made by someone who tests on animals.

    I don't really understand why there is any need for it now, and I also think it can be incredibly selfish when half the stuff that's tested on them is purely cosmetic. We should be testing products on ourselves if we want to use them. Animals are a very important part of the world and we could not survive without them.

  14. No, I wasn't aware.  Yes I do care,  I would definitely consider using a different company.

    It is very sad that animals are suffering because we want better smells  etc in the products.  We expect the poor animals to suffer for us, this just seems really cruel and unnecessary.  It would be much better if more companies put more of their resources into finding natural ingredients or safe ingredients that they already know about, instead of torturing and testing the products on the innocent animals sometimes until they die. I think if they advertised that they were animal friendly and the product was still good,  for a reasonable price, many people would prefer to buy the animal friendly product.    I am also sure there would be many people who would be willing to test new products on behalf of the company, especially if they  were given a small incentive to do so.  It is so sad that our society and cruel minds ever allowed this awful practise to happen.

    I know that some people's argument is that it is necessary for people with allergies/ drug research etc... however, personally if I had to choose between having an allergic reaction or even to have a drug that would spare my life if it meant killing thousands of innocent animals, I believe that I would not willingly want that to happen.  Sometimes we just push things too far in the name of science, technology and money.

  15. I think it's horrible that companies test on animals and I definately don't approve of exceptional cruelity, but seeing as the other option is that untested, dangerous product hits the store shelves and gets in our homes I don't see much other choice.  I hate hurting animals, but I'd chose family over stray dogs any day.  So untill a better way is developed I don't know what else can be done.

  16. no, its completely unreliable and the animals did nothing to deserve it, unfortunately humans are so arrogent we consider ourselves more important than animals, why we deserve to i'll never know. An alternative to animal testing should be testing on pedophiles and s*x offenders, reliable testing, appropriate punishment for the person in question, animals lives, everyone happy!  

  17. Yes I support testing on animals.

    Done properly and regulated in the most reasonably humane manner, testing on animals has saved countless of human lives, yes animals have died in the process and that is regrettable.  I am an animal lover,have several pets, all from the pound, and I donate money to various charities, mostly no-kill shelters, but never PETA, I dont support domestic terrorists.  But I am also a realist, if there were better ways to determine the possibility of these products harming humans, I would be all for it.  But until then I value a human life over that of an animal.  Before you get all boo-hooey over the animals you might want to think about all of your relatives and loved ones who would be DEAD without it.

  18. I personally don't care. They have to test them somehow so thell know if they are harmfull to us... i would rather have an animal die then myself.

    Also there are much bigger problems then this in the world today... like i donno GENOCIDE AND STARVATION! so lets tackle those before we worry about animals.

  19. For some things there is a just reason for animal testing but it is not done on dogs or cats, but specially bred mice. This is for medical reasons, and should be allowed.  The truth is currently not too many companies do testing for consumer products on animals as places like PETA would have you believe.  Beware where you get your information about who is testing on what.

  20. In the case of health products, I definitely support it.  Many people are alive today because treatments for diseases like diabetes were tested on animals first.  Computerized testing can only do so much - you need to see how the product will react on living tissue at some point.

  21. I do use their products, but I am against it 100%. I try not to buy anything that was tested on animals. It's cruel. It's not that bad if they don't kill the poor animal, but it's torture. It's kind of like the bull run. The bull runs, people get hurt, the bull is euthanized for being him. It's sad. You SHOULD make a petition/complaint.

  22. no, not for anything.

    animals do nothing to deserve what they get in testing facilities. Some are bred into it, others are taken away from shelters, rather than being killed. THEY COULD HAVE BEEN YOUR OWN PET.

    Also, there are PLENTY of alternatives to animal testing (which by the way, using an animal for human results is COMPLETELY inaccurate) like testing in petri dishes, its cheaper and more effective.

    Animals are also mutated from continual testing. Check out some videos @ and

    its disgusting. it's wrong. i do not support it. there is no excuse.  

  23. I believe that animal testing is really wrong today my family went out and we were driving through the country and we saw loads of sheep and cows but then I noticed when I was reading your question I think it is totally horrible so mean that people should e in-prisoned for what they have done!

    I support you


  24. No I dont support it! I dont even buy shower products or health products which contain animal-bi products or animal testing!

  25. If you're against animal testing, yet you buy cosmetics or any medication, then you're a HYPOCRITE, because without animal experiments, we would not be able to determine if a product is harmful to humans or not.  A product is tested on animals first , before it's marketed and sold at retail stores across the globe.  

  26. i would not use knowingly any products tested on animals,life is life and far more important than keeping clean,incidentally i am a spinal injury patient i.e. paralysed and am totally against animal testing for medical or any other kind of research,as morrisey said to the oxford pro animal testing students,test these drugs on yourselves

  27. P&G are reprehensible scumbags quite frankly - there is no need for this barbaric practice (I first became aware of it donkeys years ago and its kind of slipped from my consciousness - now theres an example of mass manipulation by those who really have the power for you)

    Thanks for the reminder!

    Animal testing is the product of a deranged criminal (or is that outsourcing ... or both..?)

  28. And you think they are the only ones that do that? Some of that testing is called for by law, or do not you know that? Before you start casting stones you should fine out the why for these companies actions: or would you rather risk products hitting the market place that have not been tested that could cause blind nest, skin cancer, and other ailments to boot?

  29. For dogs:  I think al ot of our breeds are turning out to be useless.  It would be a good idea to test the breeds, which were bred years ago for useless tasks, to see if these breeds are wanted by people now adays.  The breeds that are not that wanted will not be mated with.  We can keep them comfortable though until they die.

  30. No,not at all!! I think its horrible we don't use ANY products tested on animals(none of the ones you stated) Please go to this website  they even test pet foods on animals in cruel,cramp,disgusting conditions. The images on this website are shocking.So no,i DO NOT support Animal Testing.What just to test for your washing up liquid??!! Its totally wrong!! Though i DO agree with the person above.

    Thank-you for asking.

  31. There are so many medical advances that we would not have without animal testing.  Blood transfusions, heart transplants, liver transplants, kidney transplants, kidney dialysis, AIDs medications, pacemakers, etc., etc., and dozens of different vaccinations.  Although animal testing is cruel, in this case it is the lesser of two evils.  Would you rather have millions of people dying to diseases that are otherwise curable with animal testing?  

    Personally, I would rather let a mouse in a laboratory be tested with medication that could one day save my child's life.  If you place the life of a mouse above that of a human being, then you have strange priorities.  I am not saying that animals' lives are worthless, but in such circumstances, animal testing must be utilized.

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