
Animal testing is it a form of cruelty (imo h**l yes)?

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is animal testing in your opinion a form of animal cruelity

ok so many ppl still think that animals cant feel pain and dont have human like emotions and that is why its not a form of cruelty so what do you beleive




  1. Not all of the animal testing done is harmful, but some of it is.  I don't believe in unneccessary pain or "testing", but I would gladly sacrifice 20 rats if it meant that that many humans could be saved.

    COSMETIC TESTING IS REDICULOUS.  There is no reason to do use animals to test cosmetic products on, and people should be able to know if a certain chemical composure is going to be harmful or not.  Test yourselves, not the animals!

  2. YES it is uncalled for horrible cruelty

  3. Well, I'd say that most people do recognise that animals can feel pain, if you hit a dog it would flinch and whimper in response to the sensation of pain.  Even if the dog feels pain differently, it is still a sensation it wants to avoid.  With regard to emotions, well this is a little more tricky.  I don't think they would have human emotions - a pet dog and a pet cat obviously have very different loyalties!

    I don't think that animal testing is inherently cruel.  It depends on the test being conducted and the treatment of the animal.  Whilst I don't agree with the use of animals in testing cosmetics, currently we still need to use animals to develop medicines.  Where there are alternatives we should use them instead, and when animals have to be used we should ensure that any suffering is kept to a minimum, by looking after the animal and giving pain-relief and anaesthetics where needed.

  4. Yes it's horribly cruel.

    tests for beauty products even lead to blindness etc in the animals being used.

    humans dont have any right to inflict the least amount of pain on an animal.

    i'd rather go without beauty products than cause harm to another living creature.

    even for medical tests i would like to think that i'd prefer pain than inflicting it on another defenceless living being.

  5. They don't have human emotions, but have ANIMAL emotions and do feel pain.

    All animal testing is cruel- however, some animal testing is needed because we can't- and couldn't- make advances in medicine that could save millions of lives without animal testing. Sorry, but that's the way it is- you are only alive today yourself due to animal testing, and the babies who are alive in the future will hopefully live longer and healthier lives due to animal testing and advanced computer testing- but testing on animals is hard to beat.

    However, animal testing for comestics/house hold products is cruel AND unneeded, so it's like a double whammy. I'm totally against that, but I'm for medical testing, because I believe that you have to use your resources- it's survival of the fittest. I would never go out and kick a puppy, but I would donate my gerbils to medical science if they were needed. They're not, but if they were needed.


    Actually, skin testing is only good for some tests. What about the medicine's effects on the lungs, the breathing, the nervous system, the brain? The skin only shows allergies and reactions, it doesn't show the biological reaction or potential side effects of medication, so it's effects are limited. One report says skin testing is good- so what? People wouldn't test on animals unless they had to. End of.

  6. Just as i had figured.

    There are studies which have proved to be more effective than using an animal. a kind of skin replacment. It is effected the same way our skin would be. and there are more results all the time from this ongoing research.

    check this out

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