
Animals, are you influenced by how they look?

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Many people seem to prefer the `cuddly` looking animals, but I try to view them all as just another remarkable product of evolution and nature, no matter how slimy or threatening they look.

I say `try` ....but of course, the cuddlier cute ones ARE easier on the eye.

Are YOU influenced by how they look?




  1. no i think there al great

  2. Notice that the critters that appear on the "Save the Animals" ads are almost all cute with big eyes.  In fact they seem very friendly and almost human. Then notice how human babies also have big eyes.

    Having dealt with raccoons, I can assume you they aren't lovable or cute. However, through Disney they've gotten good press so people believe they are the same as what shows on the screen.

  3. sometimes the 'cute and cuddly' animals are the ones you gotta look out for! They seem so sweet and inviting and BLAM they attack without warning!

    I am a little intimidated by lizards of all types.....not being exposed to many (ecxept in zoo's)....... I am cautious around what I am unfamiliar with - for sure- be it unattractive to the eye or cute and cuddly looking!

  4. not quite, nature is deceiving..... For example If you think panda is cute, you might wanna think again after it attacks you when you approach it (its a member of the bear family after all).

  5. they all are wonderful looking;ea in their own way/also they

    are survivors on the planet.

    but first I look at them as if they're threatening to me in any way

  6. yes for sure especially if it was something that i would love as a pet.  I love most animals including things like spiders and lizards as well as horses, dogs & cats.  Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

  7. It is the disgruntled voters that scare me. The are so nasty and mean. The ingrates should be forced to live in little cages somewhere.

  8. absolutely.

  9. no

  10. to a certain extent,yes,but i like ferocious and rare animals too.

  11. All the time. But sometimes it's a false impression. For example, this little guy looks like he's smiling:

    You're in for a suprise when you go say hi to this guy.

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