
Animals Over Land Developers?

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l c 2 many of those big white signs w/ "Proposed Land Development" & they want to scrunch 80 to 100 homes in like a 1acre area of woods/forest What Do They Do With The Little Animals That Dwell In These Areas Do They Catch & Relocate? NO,they end up dead on the road trying to run 4 their life,these greedy peeps build so much here in the Renton,WA.that the lil criters r dead allover the place & still they try to build more but what they have isnt moving quick enough & r now w/Huge Price Reductions, & the next street over clearing more . . . STOP bofore its 2 late! OR IS IT?!!




  1. i agee w/ you wholeheartedly. unfortinuately, these people wont stop until all our critters are extinct.

  2. Yeah its the same in Texas big time. We are almost to the point where the shotguns are coming out. And its not kids. Birth control is better today then it has ever been. A lot of it is immigrants, advanced health care... some of the problem is that people buy too much.. they aren't happy with their homestead so they build new homes sell then build a new one sell loose one buy a new one..  There are thousands of empty homes here in Houston alone and they still build. It is cheaper here to build a new shopping center then to rennovate an existing one.. plus the government can tax all these new houses..

  3. the problem isnt the developers.. its the home buyers...

    if you have more than 2 kids you are part of the problem since 2 kids is population growth.. and where are the kids going to live?? well somebody is going to have to build them a house right??? this means destroying land.

    now some people are going  to say 2 kids isnt growth.. but indeed it is.. until about 100 years ago it wasnt because we died younger.. but now thanks to longer lifespan we are living longer.. as such 2 kids is population growth... (unless you die right after having them...)

    ok back on topic...blame the public for demanding these houses.. the MOST environmentally friendly way to live is actually in APARTMENTS (with balcony gardens so each can grow some of their own food)... with apartments you can squash many people onto one plot of land.. but most people dont want apartments.

    People need to support GREEN laws.. eg.  When deveoping land over .5 acre a certain percentage of the natural trees MUST be kept (eg 10-20%)

    PROTEST land developments you dont think are good.. write letters to the editor in your local paper... dont be shy.

    ALSO insist on lower SPEED LIMITS in these areas.. the dead critters are because of traffic...

    ALSO insist these areas have a grocery or something.. becuase when people move to areas with NO shopping they are always forced into their cars more often to go to the shops..

    I have found more people to be selfish than smart....

  4. You have spent too much time watching cartoons...

  5. Yes, I do think it is too late.. sad to say.. unless u want to go burn City Hall down..??

    Relocate them?? where.. ??

    It is just a matter of time before they start with a bull dozer there..

    No one cares.. Today .. EVERYTHING is about

    M O N E Y........... and getting R I C H ......~~~~~

    I trying to reply back to u.. but it will not go threw????

  6. Have you seen the movie "Over the Hedge"?  Those little critters had the right idea!

    As long as the human population increases, this will continue to happen.  What land is here is all we're gonna get, and I don't think this is going to get any better.

  7. Well if we really needed the space it would not be so bad but take a look at how much already developed spaces are empty. Those spaces could be cleared and reused rather than expanding and expanding.  There's so much urban flight that we have acres of unused or under utilized space that could be renovated and sold rather than it standing vacant and an eyesore.

  8. i agree with you and it's the same in CA, then the people drive faster too, and they don't have a chance. there are three legged deer and some with their bottom jaw ripped off and their tongue hanging down or they are just dead, i don't know if by the rate we are going if we will have any animals left and as for poor people ever getting houses of their own, those housing prices are still too far out of reach at what they are putting into them which is so not near that much,  but the banks are too greedy. it is h**l and damnation for them .poor little rabbits are forced out of their field hole homes so that they can build their houses and people should stop multiplying like frikken bacteria.

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