
Animals Vs Man which would you help?

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Ok here is a question that I want peoples answers to, I am just very curious.

You have one choice, save a inocent man from death row or stop all animal cruelty on earth, no animal will suffer ever again, but the man on death row will die.

What desicion would you make.




  1. For the sake of just giving an answer, I  would always choose man. Always.

    But a hypothetical question which is not likely to happen is pointless. And this one is even worse than the "stranded on an island with no plants" question. At least that is a remote possibilty.

    Animals will always suffer, if not at the hands of humans, at the hands of other animals at least. Being eaten alive by a pack of hungry  predators is no picnic (for the victim). What about insects and pests? Would you let them propagate now and perhaps spread disease? A rabid dog? A plague carrying rat? I could just as easily use my genie powers to save the man, get the girl and live happily ever after. It's all hypothetical.

    See what I mean?

    for once I am in agreement with Kr...

  2. If you were on the planet of Xarthon and the Xarthonians said that they would eat you if you did not kill and make love to the bodies of everyone in your family, would you do it, or would you use pixie dust to escape back to Earth?

  3. neither, if i picked one and not the other, i would feel too guilty.

  4. The man. Unfortunately, some animals have to suffer in order to provide their necessary services on farms and such. Not to mention the food thing. Stop animal cruelty in an instant and you starve millions of people to death and take away the livelihood of millions more.

  5. Since I would never be faced with that choice. I would choose the option that relieves the most suffering even if one man has to die to do it.

  6. Well who's to say that fellow wasn't a PETA fanatic? Or a veg*n? He might not mind.

  7. Who is offering me this choice? What authority do they have to make such an offer? How have they managed to obtain the agreement of all people in all countries throughout the world? What guarantees can they give me about the suffering or otherwise of animals in the next millenium? How have they managed to obtain such guarantees without the benefit of time travel?

    See, hypotheticals are always silly. They couldn't and won't  happen. Krister's hypothetical makes as much sense as yours does.

    Why not just ask 'do you value human or animal life more?'

    My answer - human life.

  8. the man

    because i believe that beacsue of god, everything happens for a reason. the cruelty should stop! but no animal ever, well in the wild pain is very important. im a strong animal lover but it would do the animals more harm to take away every bit of their pain then not

  9. Is the innocent person on death row YOU?  Because that makes my decision harder.

    That would NEVER happen, so what's the point?

    The real question is "Do you value animals more than humans?" and the answer is no, of course not.  But it's not an either or proposition.  Animals do not have to suffer in order for humans to live.

  10. the animal  

  11. Clearly the latter. Especially as the whole planet will soon be in ruin if people continue to farm animals. Also, better drugs would be developed with high-tech alternatives to vivisection that scientists are too cheap to consider.

    And who says anybody's going to starve without animal farming? On the contrary, they'd be enough food to go around. It takes 16lb of grain and shed loads of water to grow 1lb of meat. Selfish Westerner's are chomping steaks while some people in the third world don't have two grains of rice to rub together. Stop animal farming and you give food to the world.

    Even two lives for one is a sensible option, because all animals are equal.

    Building on what D.O.T. said, if I was that man, I'd certainly want the animals to be their choice. I'd never forgive them if they chose me, against my wishes, because of their baffling human superiority complex. I'd want to throttle them.

    However, this is just another hypothetical that would never actually occur.

  12. I would help the animals. If its between saving one man or all the animals forever, I think the animals would be more worthwhile. I would feel really bad for the man, but helping the animals would benefit so much more.

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