
Animals don't find pleasure in s*x?

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Someone told me this... is it true?

Any good links or info on this?




  1. Two words:

    Pygmy Chimpanzee

    Wiki it.

  2. Patently untrue. However, it's often said that most (but not all) animals only have s*x for the purpose of procreation. This is a misleading statement: the truth is that these animals only have s*x during female estrus when there is a possibility for conception. That does not mean that they only plan to create offspring, instead it is an evolutionarily favorable trait for them.

  3. I would say my opinion is that it would be the male animals that find s*x pleasurable as most female animals have to be forced into it. I know part of it is that the male has to prove he is a strong and suitable mate but i also know that the female is often injured so it can't exactly be "fun" for her.

  4. No, it's not true, but their main reason for having s*x is procreation, not physical pleasure.

  5. I doubt its true - they exist, which suggests they have s*x. Why would they have s*x if it wasn't pleasurable? I mean... it does demand a fair bit of physical energy.

  6. Why on Earth wouldn't they?  s*x basically _has_ to be a h**l of a lot of fun, or else no one would do it.  It's incredibly dangerous for animals, because you have to expose and distract yourself, making you a big target for predators.

    Bonobos, for instance.... Well, ain't no one can convince me those guys aren't having a blast.  There's a reason they're the favorite primate of most people who've heard of them.  The wikipedia page on o****m says that the response is the same in most mammals, too, so they all get orgasms as well.

  7. I'm not sure about other animals, but I know that Bonobos chimps are some of the only animals that have s*x for reasons other than reproduction... they use s*x as a tool for social cohesion.. they're constantly having s*x with each other.. its kind of weird..

    if you look up some info on them, I'm sure your friends will get a kick out of it xD

  8. Dolphins have s*x for pleasure.

  9. Well, it's certainly not unpleasant - at least not for the male. (Unless he's a praying mantis.) There is the instinct to reproduce, of course, but making that instinct positively reinforced with a pleasurable sensation is one of evolution's clever tricks. But I don't believe most animals seek out s*x for pleasure - that's the difference. Of course, there are highly intelligent animals that do engage in s*x for pleasure alone - humans and chimps, for instance. Bonobos, in particular, use s*x as a means of social currency. Nothing like a little genital rubbing to get over a squabble!

  10. Supposedly, pigs have 30-minute orgasms!

    I'd say, that's a good start!

  11. You have got to be joking!!!!!!

    If they didn't enjoy it they wouldn't do it would they?????

    This is what makes the World Go round isn't it?????

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