
Animals eat animals, so why don't vegetarians and vegans eat animals?

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Animals don't kill other animals so cleanly, and it's only natural right? It's survival, so why do some people have a problem with it?




  1. The vegetarian trend probably started shortly after "the Jungle" by Upton Sinclaire, was made. If you read even a small passage out of that book, you could actually throw up "it makes me sick to my stomache every time I think of it.

    But those times are over.

    P.S. I agree on the plants are living things too argument. People who say being a vegetarian makes them a better person on the inside is an idiot, no matter who says it.

  2. I don't want to eat anything that I wouldn't be prepared to kill myself.

    I don't want to eat anything that I wouldn't be prepared to kill BY myself.

  3. some  people feel bad for eating  them like me some people  rather not because before it was a living creature that had a life and no idea that the person was gonna kill them that's how i am but i have to eat meat :( but when  i get older and do what i want who knows i find it kinda mean when i eat an animal hey i even find it mean when i see a tiger eat another animal or something but they need to to survive just like humans humans don't NEED it but its more healthier for them

  4. Animals kill other animals because they have to.  Nature designed some animals to be carnivores to keep populations in check and ecosystems stable.  Humans are not a part of any natural food chain, having opted out of it millenia ago when we started breeding and confining animals.  "It's survival" is a ludicrous argument in the developed world; we can not only survive, but thrive on a plant-based diet and doing so keeps sentient creatures from suffering, preserves natural resources and confers protection from the so-called "diseases of affluence."  Additionally, non-human animals do not operate under a moral code.  They have neither the capacity nor the responsibility to weigh the ethical ramifications of their decisions.  Humans do.

  5. If you are a vegetarian because you choose to be I'm fine with that, but don't ***** and moan when you see people eating meat. Everyone has their personal preferences and there is no need to push your habits and beliefs on them just because you think killing for food is bad.

    the circle of life is savage and untamed, humans make an effort to kill with as little suffering as possible.

  6. I have been a vegetarian since I was born and it has been my choice to stay that way. People are vegetarians because they don't want to eat animals that have been slaughtered.

  7. Well people don't need to eat animals to survive, so maybe they feel that they don't need to hurt something they don't need to.  Also some vegaterians are not eating meat because farm animals eat more food than they produce, so the food that they are fed could end world hunger.  Vegans are weird though i dont understand that.

  8. Animals that eat other animals do it because they need to survive.  Humans, on the other hand, can survive just fine, in fact BETTER, without eating any animal products.  And since I don't need to consume animal products to live, I won't do it.  It's a cruel and unjust industry that won't ever see a penny of my money.

  9. I was a vegatarian for a whole year but I did it for health reasons not animal rights reason. I undestand where you coming from. But at the same time I respect a vegatarians deciscion as long as he/she doesn't preach to me about how bad it is to slaughter animals.

    Fact: If the U.S. government banned the slaughtering of animals for human consumption there would be only enough food to feed 40% of the poplulation.

  10. First of all, carnivores NEED meat to survive, or they will die. Omniovores like humans generally don't.

    And although there certainly are people who are vegetarian/vegan because they don't want to be responsible for the death of other living creatures, there are as many reasons to become a vegetarian/vegan as there are vegetarians/vegans. Many do it for health reasons, many do it because of the inhumane way conventionally raised livestock are raised and killed, many do it for environmental reasons (CAFOs are environmental nightmares on many, many fronts), many people just don't like meat that much or have religious objections to eating it.

    Personally, I do eat meat, but buy organic, grassfed products as often as possible, because my primary objections to meat eating are inhumane treatment and pollution from conventional agriculture. Grassfed meat is more humane, more environmentally sound, and healthier than meat from animals raised in feedlots or other confinement operations.

  11. Humans are ominvores so they can eat meat and plants. Most vegetarians and vegans do not eat meat because they recognize that do not need to nor wish to survive on the flesh of dead animals.

  12. Aside from health benefits, they're bleeding heart greenies.

    Personally, I believe in conservation, but no one is going to stop me from enjoying steak. And s***w eating nuts for protein. They're high in fat.

  13. its unnecessary killing, animals cant go to the store and buy fresh vegetables and fruits, we can. and we can live perfectly fine with out the meat. when we eat meat its not for survival.

    also there is factory farming, there is NOTHING natural about that. its not right that animals should be born into an shortened and painful life. in the wild they have a chance to fight for themselves, for their lives. in cages they cant do that and its become extremely unnatural, with injecting animals with hormones and such just for increased profit. we dont even treat the animals humanely, all companies care about is the profit.

    just my opinion XD

  14. I can survive without meat, and it's much healthier, too!

    Humans have better control of their will power, too, so it's not an impossible thing to do.

    Vegetarians and Vegans live 6-10 years longer on average than  meat eaters.


    I don't know about you, but I like life more than meat.

  15. because humans have this thing called... hmm what's that word? oh yeah, OPTIONS. wtf? animals eat each other because they don't have a mcdonalds drive threw they could go to to order some fries and a side salad. we do.

  16. They don't eat animals because they made a choice not to and because it is not necessary for survival.

    Is it "natural" to post questions on Yahoo Answers?

  17. Watch and tell me that we do it better.  Animals need to kill to survive.  We are omnivores and can live perfectly happy and healthy lives without supporting such cruelty.

  18. Breast cancer runs in my family (my mother had it, so it's in my direct blood line). According to the doctors my risk of breast cancer and heart disease are lowered by as much as 50% by not eating red meat or dairy. My mom ate LOADS of red meat and dairy growing up (and it's what she raised me on til I was 12) , and now has cancer, high blood pressure, obesity, and the accompanying arthritis to show for it. So you'll understand if I'm a bit gun-shy of eating meat.

    Also, this is quite vain but, I've found it's way easier to stay skinny eating animal products. I've lost and kept off about 10 pounds and my health has noticeably improved.

  19. Animals that are carnivores like lions HAVE to eat other animals or they die. They are almost incapable of digesting plants, or can only digest tiny amounts. They will die without meat. And they do it because of instinct. We think about food (well most of us do, except for little kids who are fed by their parents). We do not need food to live. In fact, many people become healthier when they cut out meat. For humans, it's not a matter of survival. It's a matter of we like the taste. You can live perfectly well of plant food - and get all nutrition without taking supplements. Otherwise i'd be dead by now

  20. We don't eat animals because we aren't animals.  We don't eat meat because of cruelty to animals.  If we ate animals then we wouldn't be vegan/vegetarians.  To each his own but I do have a problem with animals being killed for food.  I want no part in animal cruelty.  If you want to that is fine.  I don't need animal products to survive.  If given the choice between eating animal products or starving I would starve.  Darkside, who is the idiot here?  I am getting a good chuckle out of how ignorant all of you non-vegan/vegetarians are.  We don't do it for attention and we aren't whores and hippies.  If you have nothing positive to contribute then stay out of this section.   I do it because of cruelty to animals plain and simple.  I don't put people down for eating meat.  It is a personal choice.  So don't put us down for not eating meat.  You are all ignorant and uninformed.

  21. I dont eat meat anymore because

    >dont like it much anyway

    >the way many animals are kept in captivity and then killed inhumanly

    >I dont need meat to survive and I like the taste of vegetarian food better

    >I find it easier to eat healthier as well

  22. Because they think it makes them 'better' for not eating a living thing (nevermind the fact that plants ARE living things) and they like to place themselves on a pedastal HIGH above all us 'dirty meat eaters' for it.

  23. not all animals are carnivores you know, racoons, squirrels, etc, don't eat animals

  24. Because most vegetarians and vegans dont just do it JUST BECAUSE. A lot of people dont understand that there are people out there who dont appreciate how animals are treated in slaughterhouses and how everything that is in the cosmetics aisle is tested on THEM. Plus, everyone likes a good veggie burger, right?

  25. Well sometimes it depends if they are just vegetarians or vegans.

    Some simply don't like meat.

    Some may do it for religious purposes.

    Some feel they would be "hurting" animals.

    Some think it is more healthy.

    There are probably tons more reasons.  It just depends on the individual person.

  26. Oh yes, for sure, you'd better kill and eat that sheep before it kills and eats you!!!

    Also, we are human beings and not controlled by carnivorous instincts.

  27. as humans we have the ability to reason and we have the ability to choose and animals are bound by instinct.  i do not have a problem with it - if you kill skin, gut and render the animal yourself for survival that's one thing, but humans do not HAVE to do that these days for survival, or at least none that i know.  good question!  really made me think!  and no i did not hurt myself - hahaha  :)

  28. beacuase because who will protected them huh? and yeah the do get killed in the wild but do they sufffer there whole live are they skined alive in the wild? are they pumped with harmones ? do they sit in a slot there hole lives and wait to die? yeah its only nataure to kill an animal NOT murder.......

  29. Vegans dont like eating animals cause society made them soft...people survive with a balanced meat and veggie diet its all natural....they have problems with it cause they ***** and complain about animals its different if you have a domesticated animal that you pry wouldnt eat.

  30. Animals eat other animals to survive.  Humans do not need to eat animals to survive.  It's natural for a Lion to hunt and kill..he has the tools to do it.  What's so natural buying hamburger in plastic wrap at the supermarket?

  31. This question is so old and lame,asked in here weekly at least.

    But i guess meat eating does that to your brain.

    Look back into your history books,we were all originally seed and veg eaters,only later did man decide he was superior to animals and started eating them.

    So will you be having barbecue grandma for tea tonight?after all its all meat isn't it?

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