
Animals... i want to help

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hay you guys well you see um a 13 year old who loves animals i feel so bad for animals who get abused and im wondring what i could do to help them when i grow up i want to be a animal cruelty prosicuter like a lawer um and like i want to do something no to mae a diffrence also do you know any where i could voulinter at that has to do with animals please answer me thanks..-13 year old girl




  1. hey im 13 to maybe we can talk some times i love animals to and i am a vegiteran that is is best way u can save them dont eat them.and if you see any forms of abuse report them...thks for helping the animals

  2. Options:

    1. Volunteer at your local pet shelter.

    2. In the future, join the ASPCA and catch those crooks.

    3. Donate money.

    4. Donate needed items like blankets, or etc...

    5. Be vigiliant and do your own investigations on suspicious animal abusers and then report then to the cops.

    6. Be vigilant and rescue abused animals yourself, but don't get caught because you'll be breaking the law if you are found to be stealing someome's pet, even if the pet is legally owned by the abuser.

  3. i'm 11 but i love animals too

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