
Animals sold at flea markets for food?

by  |  earlier

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I hate seeing goats and chickens, etc., being very crowded in cages and people handling them so harsh. I hate seeing that. How could that not be illegal???




  1. because the government is stupid

  2. well some people are ******s and they dont care about animals all  they care about it money i would rather have little money and animals then alot of money i was watchin animal cops and a lady had 17 cats and she barely fed herself now that is not good also cuz the cats where crowded at the market they arnt really crowded well there they are but at the farm they arnt there is alot of room people would need alot of cages so they arnt crowded there ( i love animals only the ones that help use i only hunt for deer but thats for food i never hunting for fun )

  3. i dont know. they dont have many laws for the way they abuse and slaughter them either. they could be a lot more gentle. it disgusts me. the government is stupid. they all think they are so wonderful. sorry, once i get going on how mad they make me, im hard to stop.

  4. It's an age old tradition which is really very hard to stop. People have been trading goods including animals (and for a time including other humans) for a long long time.

    Until such time that commerce of animals itself is declared illegal, it is unlikely that you will see an end to animal trading at flea markets or fairs.  Sometimes they don't allow it for hygiene and sanitation concerns but if they comply with the regulations, then it will go on. You have to understand, animals especially livestoick are considered property. YOu may not like ti but that's how it is.

    If you think that's bad, try seeing the public wet markets in other parts of the world.

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