
Animals that have evolved.?

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I have to write a paper on an animal that has evolved accouding to the 4 postulates involved. Im stuck on which animal to choose though. I cant write on the giraffe, the deer, or the owl... they're already taken. Anyways, anyone have an idea for a species of animal that have evolved that would make for a fun, interesting paper? Thanks for all your suggestions!!!




  1. I believe that the turtle adapted to land...

    The domestic house cat was possibly from those big cats like tigers and leopards

    The dog from wolves

    the list sort of goes on but you get it

    Oh, and Whales originally used to walk on land, but then they soon adapted to the water.  

  2.    Having students write a paper on an animal that has evolved is like having students write a paper on why elephants are pink. They aren't and they didn't. That's a soviet style indoctrination technique.

       You could write about some of the limited variations that each kind of animal is capable of, like how the earliest known dog kind was able to produce a great dane and a hound dog. Or you could write how all the finches that darwin saw were just simple variations of the original bird. But to force students to write how a fish gave rise to a tiger is simply forcing them to write a religious paper that is falsified by all the observable facts.

    1. The fossil record doesn't show change. All the basic kinds of animals show up suddenly and stay the same, then disapear quickly. If someone wants to line up dead bones in an order to show how a dinosaur turned into a hummingbird they can but this is simply their religion.

    2. Life cannot spontaniously generate. If you want to believe that it can or that it did you are going against the clear observation evidence. I don't want to hear about how it could have or might have, we don't have any evidence that it did and all the experimental evidence only proves how impossible it is.

    3. Living animals don't change from one basic kind to another. For over 5,000 years of recorded history we have been trying to breed different dogs, cats, and corn. What do we still have? Dogs, cats, and corn.

    We have never observed an animal changing or making new things that were not in the original kind.

    4. Mathematicaly, random changes to an informational system doesn't make it better in any way. The odds of even getting simple information is so huge as to make it impossible. Thats why we either see created life or we see mud and rocks. We never see information rich orginized systems occuring naturaly.

    I feel for you that you have to write a paper to get a grade on evolution, but if you want to write about observable science, writes about how a dog produced a variation of a dog. If you want to write about religion, write about how a bird is related to an acorn. Not to sound mean or bad but it does sound kinda ridiculous doesn't it?


  3. Alligator is your best option.

  4. All the animals have evolved.

    Ok, how about the penguins?They acquired a lot of fat under their skin to insulate them from the cold temperatures and a hydrodynamic shape to help them swim under water.

  5. The manbearpig

  6. Try the elephant, it descended from the mastodon and the woolly mammoth.  lost of fossil evidence and many studies done.  

  7. look up eohippus and relate that to modern day horse...that should be fun

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