
Animals v/s Humans?

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Are human beings at the top of the food chain ONLY of our ability to communicate through language?

Take in consideration that the language is the base of our development, and makes us stand out of the rest of the living beings.




  1. We're at the top of the food chain as nothing includes us in their diet. Is this"Only of out ability to communicate"? No.

    We have domesticated many species and exterminated others. Predators have been eliminated.

    Is this just communication? That would mean our ability to build weapons, herd, farm and build count for nothing

  2. First off, humans are animals and other animals do have forms of communication, just more simple. Please restate the question.

    Just kidding.

    I think the most influential part in our dominance over the food chain is our ability to use tools, especially complex ones. Another, and at this point it's pure speculation, is that we're a lot more aggressive than other species in terms of our want for territory and control, and our s*x drive probably helps too. Strength in numbers, I suppose. Comparatively, I think language is a very small part of it.

  3. there both mammals

  4. what about the development of our brains...even though this enables us to speak, it enables us to think much more deep than any animal.

    Every animal can communicate, but humans can communicate on much more of a deep level.

  5. ummmmm.... spaghetti whores win

  6. Humans may not be at the top of the food chain in the classical sense of the phrase.  Walk unarmed into a area containing hungry bears or swim in shark infested waters for a real eye opener.  Humans, as a group can kill bears and sharks, but we seldom eat them.

    You comment on language is very homo-centric considering that dolphins and porpoises can understand human speech, but we seldom have a clue as translating their languages.  Whale songs are a whole 'nother problem.

    Human language is very important for groups of humanity in their efforts to dominate an immediate environment, but it can also be the basis for wars and social clashes which separate us and cause great destruction.

    No other species with which we can communicate has a language as complex as human speech, but no other species can alter the environment to the point of global warming or threaten global thermonuclear warfare.  Humanity's arrogance knows no bounds.
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