
Animals will some day stop suffering of human violence?

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Animals will some day stop suffering of human violence?




  1. Yes, when humans get extinct!

  2. only when the human race dies out

  3. sadly i think there will always ve animal violence but there is hope that it will decrease

  4. God i hope as i foster some of these poor animals that have suffered

  5. I doubt it as humankind just seems to be getting less sensitive to the world around them and more concerned with their own comfort.  I particularly hate the thought of what happens to those poor bears having their bile extracted.

  6. We can only hope

  7. Maybe, but they will still be eaten by other violent animals!

  8. hope not

  9. If you are referring to hunting, fishing and the like, that is the part of natural means of balance, because if there is not the killing of some animals, they will die of other means, (often natural starvation). If you are talking about animal abuse, like beating, dog fights, man caused starvation, then that will probably not stop either until all of mankind learn the value of life and moral behavior. Sadly this is not the directions the world is taking, just take a look at the number of violent children and teens there are. Without moral structure in an individuals life, there is no value to anything or anyone.

  10. I wish so much tha were true..

    If even vets kill animals for personal gain what hope do the rest of the animals have. It is my understanding that there is no other vet around for a second opinion. And no one to protest to either.

  11. the h**l did u hear that?

  12. Probably when we humans have killed each other either by indifference to climate change or by violence.

  13. hopefully

  14. As a long time Vegan and one time animal rights activist I very much doubt it. We may be able to improve things but we can't even get people to treat people decently, but we can keep trying.

  15. People who treat animals like humans are close to treating humans like animals.

    Have more respect for your intelligence and take a look at human nature. To some extent everybody thinks the rest of the world is like themselves.

    (I am vegetarian and not cruel to animals)

  16. They will, because the human brain is genetically programmed to evolve into higher levels of consciousness, to a furture where compassion & ethics take precendence over egotistcal desires and wealth-biased law.

    So many people are choosing vegetarianism, some people (like myself) are vegan - we don't use or consume any animal products at all because of the extremely inhumane way those products are obtained. Some say it's natural to kill & eat other creatures, but it's also natural for humans to feel sickened by the killing of animals; it's this which makes us human, that sets us apart from other earthly creatures - we have an ability to reason and reason gives us choice over our animal instinct.

    People will soon start to fully realise how precious is the variety of life on this planet and we'll know without doubt, that Nature created us specifically, to look after & nurture that life.

  17. ok if all commercial use of animals ceased tomorrow, how long would it be before the likes of cows, sheep, goats and pigs

    for starters begin to appear on the red list.

    fox hunting has been banned and i hear angling is the next possible target.

    did you know that the anglers are the ones that ensure the rivers etc are capable of supporting the fish that live in them.

    nature relies on balance man is the only creature that causes imbalance. the only predator mankind has is mankind in spite of the fact that many animals are more than capable of killing any man. take away mans tools and technology whats left is a wimp. i can't help thinking since man is the only creature capable of destroying the earth why is man so hellbent on proving it!

  18. animals need to be treated better they are  dying everyday from human violence and i once had a dog that had wandered up my driveway and we figred he was used for fighting other dogs but he was the sweetest dog ive ever had and i dont eat meat because of the way they are killed and i belive that if we try hard enough then most animal cruelty will finally stop and i hope i answered your question well!

  19. will people some day stop suffering from human violence?

  20. i pray

  21. i hope so, i could never kill an animal, i dont know how people can hunt. i mean its not like this animals are coming up to us and hurting us. but i do hope that one day animals will be saved from human violence

  22. I like animals. But I hate to tell you

    the animals are far from living in a

    humane world even without humans.

    They kill and reject their sick.

    They die of being ripped apart by predators

    or starving. Especially when they are babies

    or old or ill. Not all tea parties and tickle fights

    for them regardless of human existence.

  23. Not as long as they taste so good, they won't.

  24. What is human violance? Conversely what is 'Humane Treatment Of All Animals?' I think you will find both have wide ranging interpretations. We as individuals too may interpret these things differently at different stages of our lives.

    When talking about animals, is human violence?:

    shooting, fishing or fox hunting etc?

    killing animals for their meat or skins?

    factory farming?

    using animals to work for humans, ie horses, guide dogs?

    using animals for sport - dog racing, bull fighting?

    having pets?

    destroying their habitat; depletion, displacement or  


    If you asked me this before I would have given you very different answers to the one I give you now. Which is, in my opinion, YES all of the above are human violence against animals.

    Then you get onto the issue of what is humane treatment?

    How do you define that? Take shooting Is it shooting for sport, shooting for food, for pelts, shooting for survival against wildlife attacks, shooting to put down an injured animal? The where does this apply? Everywhere? Only in certain countries? The issue is complex.

    Stopping human violence against animals is a nice dream, I hope one day we can all share it and act on it.

  25. I HOPE SO.

  26. Some day because not every body is that cruel or sick and twisted some  are just nice and sweet and inocent people some are not at all.hope that helps a lot ?

  27. One can hope..... But in the animal kingdom it's the survival of the fittest. The thing is as humans we have a choice..... Animals do not......

  28. It is a question of survival. Animals will never care about what happens to humans. When it comes to it - will you fight for your life?

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