
Anime Poll #108 (Olympic Week - #2)?

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Welcome to the 2nd day of Olympic Week!


It seems like a lot of people choose Shikamaru over LeLouch in the game of chess! Out of the first 20 answers:

> 15 choose Shikamaru

> 5 choose LeLouch

(yes, there is chess in C&A Olympic) =P

A report from the Chess Competition yesterday:

*Shika stare at the board for 10 minutes*

o_o "

Shika: *move a pawn* You're finished already. >:P

LeLouch: o.O Uh... We just start playing...

Shika: Hehehe... *smirk* I already thought 50 moves ahead and know exactly what to do! >:P

LeLouch: O.O (wat the heck??????) *move a knight*

Shika: *gasp* (Dammit! He just ruined my ultimate plan!)

LeLouch: (wat the heck is he even thinking?) O.o

**After 59 minutes later**

**Shikamaru still has 1 king, queen, 2 knights, and 6 pawns**

**LeLouch still has 1 king, 2 rooks, 2 bishops, and 4 pawns**

Shika: (Dang... He's tougher than I thought) *Do the thinking hands*

LeLouch: =_= "

*LeLouch looks at the referee, who is sleeping, and then look back at Shika, who seems to be thinking with eyes close*

*LeLouch secretly switch the placements of Shika's queen piece and his bishop*

LeLouch: Checkmate. =D

Shika: *finally opens his eyes* WAHHHHHH ????!!!!!!!!!!! O.O

LeLouch: *chuckle* Meh... Yah suck.

Shika: *looks at the board* That's not where my queen is! That's not even where your bishop belong!

LeLouch: Really? I don't think so. *wink*

Shika: Referee!!! LeLouch freakin' cheated!

DarthRaider666: *rubs eyes* Huh? Did someone win?

Shika: o_________________________o "

DarthRaider666: *looks at the board* It seems like LeLouch checkmate you, eh?

Shika: He...He...He cheated!

DarthRaider666: Shuddup, you interrupt my sleep.

LeLouch: XD

Shika: T___________________T

DarthRaider666: *cough cough* The winner is... LeLouch Lamperouge!

*All the crowds already left by 50 minutes mark*

DarthRaider666: Ya'll take too long!! You just bored the heck out of all of us!! >:O

Shika & LeLouch: o.o






What a *cough* great game... *cough*

Let's now move on to the next Olympic! That'll be Sumo Wrestling!


Just like the previous Olympic, choose one of the following anime characters you wish/think will win in the competition:

> Choji Akimichi (Naruto)

> Buu (Dragonball Z)

Reward for voting the right character:

> $1,000,000,000,000,000,000 gift card for any store!! O.O

You better stay tuned for the next DarthRaider666's Anime Poll!!! >:D

(and 2008/C&A Olympic!)


BTW, congratulation to:

> ஜβ£Lஜ HΔŦ£§ §ΔF£ŦY H£LM£Ŧ§!!!


> Animelove ~Yori~ is an OTAKU!

> (back up)

> TRI_EDGE is Back!!!

You all won.......errrrrrrr......... >.>

All-You-Can-Eat Cookies of Any Type!!


*give an empty paper bag*







  1. I&#039;ll have to pick BUU u better win BUU or I will kill u hahahaha *cough cough* I am ok now.  

  2. Lol Majin Buu for realz yo

  3. Choji Akimichi !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

    La*Shya !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  4. Yay! Bel!

  5. I am thinking Buu would win this one. Uh, Darth, do you have

    $1,000,000,000,000,000,000?????  Dang, i must be in the WRONG line of work!!!!  What do you do for a living anyway?????????  All kidding aside, I really think Buy would win this.  But, considering how well I did yesterday (thanks Shikamaru!!!), Choji may indeed win.  I am sticking with Buu though.

  6. I think Buu will win because He`s just Stronger and Fatter xD

  7. omg darth thats so wrong shikamaru should have one. o.o maybe he should file a formal protest lmao. um ok on to the new one id say

    Chouji Akamichi gets my vote

  8. HOWZAT!!!


    *grabs bag and runs out of prison*

    *peeks into bag*


    Darth, I WILL track you down and I WILL get those cookies.

    *dun dun dun*

    *puts tracking chocolate chip on Darth&#039;s back*


    I think Choji will win...






    Meh, time to run away from cops.



    *appears out of dark and makes scary flashlight face*

    Cookies shall be mine.


  9. Hahaha... told ya Lelouch will use his brains to cheat! &gt;=D

    *stares at empty paper back*

    *moment of silence*

    HEEEYYYYY!!!!!!!!! Where&#039;s my COOKIE!!! XOOOOO

    How could you Darth!!! You ate all my cookies don&#039;t you? &gt;XOOO

    Or do you give my cookies to Choji and Buu??? &gt;A&lt;

    *crying at the corner*



    Sumo Wrestling! xDDD

    Tough match!

    *Match Start!!!*

    Buu&#039;s domanating at first, looks sure to win as Choji isn&#039;t motivated enough...then something happened... some distraction! Ino just threw some insults towards Choji about him being a useless fat pig...

    Choji gets all fired up...and the results...

    Choji WINS~~~ xDDDD

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