
Anime questions..? its boring so....?

by  |  earlier

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what anime do u think is the best....

naruto (shippuuden)

or bleach.....?

which fillers in those anime u rather see ??

and which character in those anime are the best ... ty




  1. i like them about the same :)

    fav. char. in naruto: Gaara

    fav. char. in bleach: Renji

  2. I love Bleach a little bit more than Naruto Shippuden. XD

    I would rather see the Bleach fillers.

    Fav. Naruto Character: Sasuke. Sike! It's actually Chouji.

    Fav Bleach character: Orihime

  3. Naruto although i wanna wait until shippuden comes out on TV to watch or read them....i barely ever watch Bleach...I LOVE GAARA!!!!!!♥ I always love the bad guys for some reason...i love Neji too though and Shikimaru...I also love Lord Arochimaru for some rreason..i think he's cool..i love all of the sand ninja and sound ninja and star ninja and leaf ninja and all the other ones that are cool and not stupid and Hysterical(although Arochimaru kinda fits into that category)♥ I get a little Obsessive so sorry...

  4. i would say bleach because they dont have much fillers but for me the bount arc sorta bores me, however it isnt as long as the naruto fillers. Then again thats just for the first season. I havent seen Shippuuden yet other then a few manga chapters from shouen jump and it seems to have a better plot and less fillers then the first season. Other then that i like both pretty much the same but sorta bored with them at the moment so i have taken a break from them and am watching other anime series right now till i decide to go back to them. Hoped my answer helped ^^ sorry for any unneed info in there ><

  5. I think that Naruto is better but then again I don't watch Bleach all that often...

    Fave Char. From Naruto: Neji

    Fave Char. From Bleach: Renji and Byakuya

  6. naruto...although he doesn't stand out much and was in like one episode,...i like menma..if that was his name?   and in bleach i definitely like nel....(^_^)

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