
Ankle Injury from skating?

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I had a sprain 3.5 wks ago and it still hurts a bit everytime i bend my ankle to much for a off ice position (sit spin, jumps, etc) so when is the right time to go back to skating?




  1. One thing that might help is get some hockey skates.  Wrap up your ankel and lace them up tight.  That will keep your ankle from moving and will allow you to get back on the ice so you dont loose muscle memory.  Hockey skates dont bend so it will keep your ankle stiff.  Yea you cant jump or anything but you will slowly build your muscle back up.  If you keep tying to jump and  spin you might hurt is worse and then you will be out a lot longer.  Recover slow  and your ankle will be stronger than before.  Recover fast and you ankle will hurt and will be weak for the rest of your life.

  2. i suggest you rest the ankle and get it looked at you dont want to go skating and it keeps getting worse and you are off longer than should be, go see a physio to help it.

    you could also try some carf raises slowly to get the ankle stronger and circular movements with it to keep the fluid running round the ankle.

    when feeling better spray some deep heat on and skate light no jumps and spins for a few days until 110% better.

    nothing worse than having a slight niggle in the ankle before jumps and if you know in your head it is going to hurt before a jump you are going to refuse it and get into a bad habbit. example of me when i damaged my achillie's tendon it mentally took over so rest the ankle.

  3. If it gets worse, then stop.

    For now, i would take it easy. Dont push yourself, and try to not do the sit spins or jumps that will make it hurt more.

    Its ok to do some basic things, and maybe some spins that don't hurt too bad, but if your really suffering, dont do it. I would start to do more jumps when your ankle completely stops hurting or when it doesn't hurt too bad.

    I know when i had shin splints i wasn't supposed to jump AT ALL, if possible for a month. I started jumping again after like a week or two, and I was fine.

    So what im trying to say is that whatever time works for you is what you should do!

  4. You should wait until it completely heals and you can't feel the pain. By some sprain cream for your knee and rub it every day until it would get better. Don't do any major spins and just wait for your knee to get better.

  5. Wait until it heals completely!!!!

    If you skate on a twisted ankle, it can make it worst. Then you will have to wait even longer till you will be able to skate. You may be able to get away with a splint and really really REALLY easy skating but my advice is to just stay off t.

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