
Ankle injury question?

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Ok, So about three weeks back I fell while water skiing. I had dropped a ski and was trying to find the slot for my rear foot when i fell backwards. My ski stayed flat on the water until i turned sideways as i fell. My ski slapped the water causing my foot to do almost like a forward and back snap.

I had trouble moving it in the water but I was able to walk on it. I swelled up for the first day but seems fine now(swelling wise). But now even a couple of weeks later when ever i bend my foot (point my toes type of thing) i get some major pain up the back of my foot (Achilles area).

It is really starting to bother me help please :)




  1. Because ur ankle snapped forwards then backwards i'm immediately thinking you've damaged some of the muscles that cause this movement, as oppsed to the ligaments around the ankle.. you know the ones that are damaged in a typical ankle sprain.

    The calf muscles at the back of your leg join to your ankle via the achilles tendon. Its the calf muscles that allow you to point your toes to the ground.

    So because you have pain in your achilles, esp when pointing toes, it sounds to me like you've ruptured ur achilles tendon slighty. I say 'slightly' because it took a while for you to get bothered by it all. You could have damaged some fibres of the tendon.

    BUT, all of my thinking just comes from the info you've given me on a computer screen, it would really need to be seen to by a doctor. If it is an achilles problem, its good to get seen to! Good luck!

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