
Ankle keeps bending when i run! help!?

by Guest60451  |  earlier

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I started doing cross country, i've been running for probably 2 or 3 weeks now. Once in a while when i run i keep accidentally bending my left ankle, kind of like when you get a sprain i guess, but its not really a sprain, since it doesnt get swollen or anything. But when it happens it hurts but not too badly so i keep running and the pain goes away after a while, but then the next day the pain is back. And I take a day or two before running again just to make sure it like heals up. This happened like 3 times already, what do I do to prevent it from happening again?? Cuz I dont want to damage my ankles and i really like XC and i hate not goin to practice cuz of my ankle....we run like in the woods btw, lotta rocks and roots and stuff, but it only happened to my left ankle so far...not my right. And the next day i can still walk, but i feel some pain on like that outer bony part (left side) of the left ankle.

Any suggestions??? Thanks in advance if you replied




  1. good shoes help a lot.also have short space between the two steps you take

  2. Sounds like you may have a weak ankle.  Try doing some ankle strengthening excercises.

    Sit on a chair, put a teatowel on the floor and  grab it with your toes, pulling the towel in. Do this 10 repeats 3X/day

    Stand with your feet hip wide apart, back straight, slowly lift you leg (like a flamingo pose) and hold as long as you can - do this for both sides,  5X/day, and build up to hold your position for 1 minute (longer if you can),  Once you gain stability, try doing this on an unstable surface (stand on a rolled up beach towel), cycling will help your ankles too.

    Make sure you have enough support for your feet for running.  A poor fit can cause ankles to roll in or sprain, especially on trails and uneven surfaces.  Go to a running store with your shoes that you run in.  Have them to check if its the right shoe for you.  They will check your foot type, pronation/over/under, gait and determine whats best for you.

    Heres a good link:

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