
Ankle problems....advice?

by  |  earlier

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Ok so heres the scoop...around 3 weeks ago, i was trail running, and i tripped on a tree root, and did something to my ankle. I doesnt really bother me if im not moving it, but when i twist my ankle a certain way, it starts to hurt. I've ran on it off and on, and last week i went to my doctor and she said to take a week off and it'll be fine. Today (a week later) it feels the same as it did when i went to see her. So what im wondering is if this is one of those injuries that you just need to "run through" or should i keep resting completely and wait for it to heal? i really wanna build a good base during the summer for xc. My doctor said nothing's wrong with the bone, and that its just a sprain, but shouldnt it be better by now?




  1. sprains are actually worse than a broken bone. you shouldn't try and push through it, this is an injury where you need to rest and let it fully heal.

    it's better to let it heal now and be better by the time xc starts in the fall.

    hope it gets better! =)

  2. It is tough I know.

    If you can run naturally without the discomfort affecting your running motion then I suggest you do so. If however, the pain limits your range of motion or causes you to limp etc. Please rest it. You can make the injury worse and put other areas of your body at risk because of over compensation (if other muscles/joints are asked to pick up additional stress there will be a consequence).

    When you are able ice the affected area. Five times a day if possible. Whenever convenient elevate your ankle above your heart. Increase blood flow to this area to speed healing.

    Keep in mind that ankle injuries do not always heal with a smooth curve of diminishing pain. Relief may be a few short days away.

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