
Ankyone have any tips?

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well this yr im going to high school and im soo nervous i hate that every yr no teachers can say my name right nd everyone laughs at me then it gets worse cus i start getting red nd ugh! i juss dont want this yr to be like that so does anyone have any tips???




  1. its Ok.. just try not to be nervous know it is easier said than done ... but .. look .. your name , if they say it wrong don't act so disturbed they will get it right eventually >>  I was always called by a different name ! and that didn't bother me .. cause they will get it eventually .. try to prove yourself to yourself that "this year has alot of hard-ships but they will be over soon , and no mater how it goes its OK as long I did my best"

    people always want to laugh , and see what is different to laugh at . but when they see that there is no reaction they stop.

    Wishing you the best , never give up  

  2. laugh with everyone!

    laughter is the cure to everything :)

    and dont care wat other thinks just as long

    as ur fine with urself

  3. Happyhal.. and  Nichole have it sorted between them I recon. Support the combination of both  answers and things should be fine.

  4. go to a back to school night and meet your teachers.  let them know how to pronounce your name before classes start

  5. i know what you mean. i go thru it too. i know how embarrasing it is. My tip for you is to go to school a little bit early, go to ur classes and tell your teachers ahead of time soyou don't go thru the embarrasment. That's what i did.  

  6. i have the same problem, not nessesarly saying my name wrong, but i have a funny last name and every body makes fun of it, i used to get embarrased but i just started laughing along with everyone, and joking about it, it makes it much easier if you arent so uptight about it.

  7. well, when the teacher says your name wrong, correct her till she gets it right, or like some other students since thier teachers say if there is something eles you can be called, they choose that... so just have her call you something in a shorter verson of your name if you likee. like this girl in my class, her name is Dannielle and the teacher calles her Daniel like a guy name, so now she calls her nena because that is her nick name, and is much esier. now for getting red, just dont stress it, i know a girl that her name is Ahtziri and the teacher couldnt pernounce it right, took me a while to get it right, so it happens to most people.  

  8. maybe ask the teacher if you can call him or her like mr.m or somin you know
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