
Ann Frank once said: in spite of everything, she still believed that people were really good at heart?

by Guest57561  |  earlier

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Would you agree? I would like to think so!!




  1. People are born unbiased. They learn good and bad from their parents and other high influences at an early age, and also as they grow and develop. The experiences in a persons life will also dictate the kind of decisions they will make.

  2. she said that?

  3. Yes, BUT, they are fading away quickly because the are tired of being taken advantage of and used yet the keep doing it because they have a heart and the feel guilty if they don't help and can you tell I'm talking about myself!!!

  4. sadly i have always agreed with her i now call this my Ann Frank Syndrome because quite the opposite is the truth, we are all born with the inclination to be bad we have to be taught how to be good

  5. Yes, I do agree with that.  A small minority of no-goodniks causes most of the world's problems.  Why we allow them to do it is beyond me.

  6. Yes, I spite of everything,  there's lots and lots of persons that are really good a heart..

    You don't need to go very far to see that..Just watch here in Y.Answers.. Notice how many and how beautifully  people help each other, with their best will and  whole heart

    Especially  in the Pscychology section, you'll notice that people with problems and aching hearts are answered so correctly and with so much understanding and real love and concern..

    The same goes for the classical section, where many students post their questions and their anguishes related to their musical education. The experts there really take a lot of trouble to help them, they are real teachers!!

    I don't think mankind is lost or anything close to it. The human heart goes  beyond that always, no matter what ..There's definitely lots more good people than of the other kind. !.  ..

  7. mayb at dat tym they were,.... bt i believe nomatr wot sm really cruel ppl cn never b good at heart...

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