
Anne Darwin's defence has failed - In terms of sentencing is she up the creek without a paddle?

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  1. Funnily they were caught because the canoe was found up the creek with the paddle an almost impossibility after an accident at sea in the eyes of the coastguard and rescue services!!!

  2. She's in hot water now!

    I don't think her defence could get a Lazarus hearing.

  3. I have no sympathy for this woman . She was the one that contacted the insurance and pension companies . She was the one that lied openly to her own sons . She didn't look afraid of him when she was helping him spend the money . Whatever happens to her she deserves it . Both of them do unlike her poor sons

  4. Um...she oared it to her sons to tell them the truth.

  5. She's going down and to be honest I think she'll sink in prison.

  6. she sure is up the creek.

  7. Yeah she is f*cked!

  8. no paddles in prison

  9. No, she's all at sea without a canoe!

  10. wave after wave of lies.

    Jury saw through it all!

  11. HA HA thanks for the laugh! Have a star.

  12. She certainly is!

    How could she lie to her 2 sons about a thing like that!

    If they were that hard up why didn't they sell the 2 properties they owned?

    Greed has lost them everything!!!

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