
Annoying, talkative, big-ego preps in my Biology Honors class?

by  |  earlier

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Well I just started school, and when I entered the Biology classroom, what was running through my mind was that why the h**l we're there a bunch of idiotic, immature preps in the class? Don't get me wrong, some of them are nice, but some get extremely annoying and start teasing me. Why? I have no idea. For example, they look at me like I'm weird when I just sit there quietly. Is it because of the way I look? Idk. Well, one of the girls decided to be a jerk, and say "Hi, (Name)" exaggerating, and putting some emphasis on the name...then telling everyone "She's my best friend" though I've never met her in my life. She's not trying to be nice, trust me. How should I handle annoying, talkative "preps" in my class? I've tried to just ignore them, but they just stare at me like I have 3 heads.




  1. tell them it's rude to stare

    that's what i say and they usually stop

    although people don't really stare at me like that...

  2. maybe u could get a schedule change or get some pretty cool comebacks or something...or just go along to wat they do. dont let them get to u!

  3. Well I make it so the kids in my class are scarred to even come near me for fear il rip there head off. But dont stoop to there level theyl stop once they figure out your not going to react

  4. Use words longer than five letters long. They will be so confused their heads will explode. Seriously, try to be friends with the nice ones. Don't group them all together into preps. Try groups like nice people and jerks. Those qualities are much more meaningful.

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