
Annoying RE teacher?

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Right Im not one of those who is always having ago at teachers, i never had never will. This RE teacher keeps setting us silly homeworks thsi week she made us do revison nots for homework.

1. Revision notes dont help me atall.

2. I have an important maths test coming up so that took alot of my time.

3. She marked it and said it was not right.

Help what should i do




  1. Ask her to help you as you dont want to keep getting it wrong, if she keeps bullying you tell someone higher then her

  2. Revision notes can be helpful - but why did she mark them?Unless of course you had put duff info in the notes. You didn't say what level of exam  either. Is it GCSE/standard grade or AS/Highers or what? There is no point learning wrong stuff, so I expect that;s why she said it was wrong. Give me a clue here.

    - a retired Religious, Moral and Philosophical studies Teacher!!

  3. Well if it is not right you do it again correctly.

    Isn't that what pupils are supposed to do if homewrok is not done properly.

  4. Tell her to go f herself

  5. We used to make fun of our RE teacher because most of them are believers (I don't mean this to be offensive or tarring everyone with same brush) but she was pretty gullible because of her beliefs and we took full advantage of it, just be prepared for detention or whatever it is these days they punish you with.

  6. you should ask her to help you with your spelling and grammar...

  7. Do your homework.

  8. Maybe ask her (in a calm and considered way) what she felt you would get out of the homework.

    Listen to what she has to say THEN make your point (don't argue).  It is quite possible she just couldn't think of anything better to set you and has been told she HAS to give you homework.

  9. dont get too stressed with trying to do it.  concentrate on your maths.  if she just want to see some revision notes, then show her some, it does not have to be neat as they are your notes.  Scribble some things down in bullet point form.

    Dont know how old you are but its about using your time wisely and keeping her off your back.  You didnt receive a detention or anything so you've nothing to worry about. Also you could always stay behind and explain to her about how you do your revision.
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