
Annoying advert on Yahoo SA?

by  |  earlier

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Is anyone else fed up of seeing that fat guy on the advertisement for visa to the right of your screen everytime you want to read a question? Sies, man, that guy is soooooooooooooo annoying!!!

What do you guys think?




  1. Oye! Cut it out guys..he is well hot, innit??!! :-)

  2. Not just SA, it's on UK and Ireland as well.

  3. I think he looks like Captain Kirk after too many hamburgers. I do not like fat Americans.

    Why can we not have a good advert for Visa, like a good Shona boy paying a bill of $45,000,000 for half a pint of milk? That way the Americans could see how rich we are in Zimbabwe, because we have such a lot of money and can pay prices like that. Then you would understand why I have just been re-elected with so many votes!

  4. Yes, he was there then! Grr he should be using his visa to pay for a gym membership to lose some of that weight! Plus it says he bought tickets to go on holiday, i bet he doesn't go with a girl :)

  5. He`s the price we pay these days, for everyone being allowed to do their own thing, even berks.

  6. I'm with you 100%!!

    Everytime I go on all I see is his flab hanging out!

    Some things are best left well hidden!! lol

  7. Oh, sounds like I'm missing something super special! LOL

  8. Bra i'm in Ireland and i can see it, yeah it's kak ne

  9. yes ... so true .. he is so annoying....

    now how can we get passed that question ....

    didn't anyone tell him to move while shooting that advertisement ......

    i always feel like throwing carrots on him just to let him fall so i could read the  whole question in peace than in pieces ....


  10. Okay but more interesting is? Does ANYBODY know what the advert is about, or what commodity they are trying to sell? I bet you, we all have to go back to see what they are trying to advertise. I haven't the foggiest idea! So in the end, the advert is a loss and a precious waste of time and money!

    Add: So now we could have fooled me! Surely they could have come up with something better that that? It looks more like an ad for lavatories.

  11. Absolutely!

  12. He's there now...bloody nuisance...

    They could have at least put a nubile young woman on instead.

  13. Click on to the Australian flag at the bottom of the page, go to YASA travel,  and you will see a different scene.  A change of scenery is as good as a holiday!!

  14. Dunno, my browser blocks ads.

  15. oooo I just got him right now while reading your question.  He is annoying! I've got the sound turned off, does he make a noise too?

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