
Annoying coworker!!! HELP!!!?

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I work in a very small office - there are only 2 of us in here (and she is my supervisor, keep in mind). She is the NICEST person in the world, but my GOD she makes me want to climb the walls and fling myself off the building. She can spend HOURS (no, I'm not exaggerating) talking about her CAT. Then she'll ask me question after question after question about my dog - "Do you think 'Fluffy' is enjoying this nice day outside? I bet she is, huh? She's probably out there right now saying, "Man, it sure is a nice day!" Don't you think she's out there thinking that?" (this is an actual conversation...i'm NOT making this up!)

And she is SOOOO nosy! Her daughter (who also works here) is friends with my cousin, so she is CONSTANTLY asking me questions about my family and my personal life. And if my cousin goes over to their house for dinner or something, she gives me a play-by-play of everything that happened while she was over there. (I didn't realize who she was when I got the job, or I may not have taken it!)

I try to ignore her and just turn around and pretend to look busy on my computer, but that doesn't help, she just keeps talking and keeps asking annoying, nosy questions!

One good thing is that even though she annoys the c**p outta me when she's here, she's NEVER here half the time! I would enjoy the peace and quiet, but when she's gone that means I've got twice the work to do! And she calls in ALL the time! (today included!) She had surgery not to long ago and the doc told her 2 weeks to recover --- she was gone for 2 MONTHS. And if I happen to call in sick (only twice this year) or take a vacation day, she will undoubtedly take the next day off after I come back, almost like she has to "make it even" or something.

On top of all this --- We get our birthdays off paid. She informed me that she will be taking my birthday off and the day after to go out of town (if she's not here, that means I have to be) and she told me, without even asking if I had plans, "You can just take another day off for your birthday." gggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

Sorry to rant, I'm just SO fed up! I'm looking for another job as we speak, but I don't know what to do in the meantime! She's worked here for 800 years, so she can pretty much get away with whatever she wants!!!!!!!!





  1. One of those wherever you work.

    Play-by-by, haha:

    The cat and weather thing. Maybe it's boring to you, but it's better than when she's digging into your personal life.  It's not hard to have a nice pleasant conversation on neutral topics, is it?

    The personal thing: somehow change the topic each time.

    For instance:

    Super: Like OMG! Your cousin was at my house yesterday and she was talking about Ray and Janine breaking up. I didn't know Ray and Janine were breaking up. I heard she's going with a man she met online from India. What does Ray think about that? Do you know what Ray thinks about that? I hear he's voting for McCain. Oh yeah. What did you have for dinner last night? I made chicken cacciatore from this Hamburger Helper thing I found. BLAHBLAHBLAH.

    YOU: This spreadsheet is almost completed.  Are you going on break soon?

    Just say whatever you have to....

    The birthday type thing (coz I bet she does this on more than just your birthday, like ANY time you take off):

    Super: I'm off all Labor Day week.

    YOU: Oh? I put in for a surgery appointment in the middle of that week. It was finalized three weeks ago.

    Super: I'm off all Labor Day week, and I might not be coming back till a couple days after that week coz my husband's mother BLAHBLAHBLAH. Might leave a couple days early too.

    YOU: Who's covering all that time? Does (HER BOSS'S NAME) have anyone else to come in? Coz I can't do all those days alone.

    That's JUST if you don't want to get the reputation of always running her business for her and NEVER getting your days off.

    Always be courteous.

  2. That she's your supervisor makes it tricky.

    Odd that she doesn't seem to think that getting the work done is a priority.

    Talk to HER supervisor (boss, higher up, whatever). Explain that her chatting interferes with your working. You might bring up the birthday thing, too, or just let that go in favor of focusing on the worst, which is her constant chatter.

    Put it plainly, clearly, and without emotion. Whoever is paying both your salaries wants you both to be able to do the work they're paying you to do.

    It's up to them to straighten this out with her.

  3. that stinks

    if her daughter comes in asking stupid questions

    tell you have work to do and cannot be bothered

    for  the mom

    i would discuss the issue with her if this not get resolved i would go above her and get this issue taken care of right away

  4. Play dumb... Say I'm not sure.  That will put her off.  There is always soft foam rubber ear plugs, they cut the sound down just enough to make it pleasant.

  5. It's good to be the king. She's your supervisor so there isn't much you can do except deal with it or leave. These are the kind of things that happen in small offices. Just be glad when she isn't around and try to plan your time off as early as possible without her getting wind of it. Just take a different day off for your birthday (perhaps hers?), most jobs don't give you a paid day off for your birthday.

  6. If she has worked there for 800 years I'm sure she will retire in the next few thousand years, so hang in there!!

  7. my dear you must start bringing your lunch to work!! and snacks too!! heavy ONION AND GARLIC sandwiches. and wear the worst perfume you can find....

  8. Sounds bad. Just get another job or continue to deal with it. Those are unfortunately your only options!

  9. OK.   So, what was the question?

  10. Wow. Bad situation! I think you are doing the right thing by both trying to ignore her and looking for a new job. I think being totally uninterested in anything she says is a good route. That is what I do with my annoying co-worker. She definitely talks to me less! The problem with my co-worker and perhaps yours too is that she is an egomaniac that absolutely needs constant attention. If they are not the center of attention they have to say or do something to direct attention their way. And if this is the case there is not much you can do other than ignore her and not give her the attention she desperately wants. Or maybe tell her a story about how you saw your neighbor's dog rip a cat to pieces....  

  11. yeah, I know what you mean... i hate it when you're stuck at work and there's only one other person there who's an annoying c**p face

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