
Annoying friend doesnt understand I DONT WANT TO BE HER FRIEND!?

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one of my friends is really mean rude and annoying. only problem is that i am TERRIFIED of confrontation. with ANYONE. and my annoying friend will get mad at anyone who stops being friends with her for a week, then will just text them and im them again being as if nothing happened becuz she has no other options for friends, she's got like none. how do i stop being her friend and get it through her skull that i MEAN it and to not just txt me six days later being all buddy-buddy again?




  1. Instead of confronting her, just ignore her.  Don't answer her emails or im's. Don't call her or email her or initiate conversation with her.  If she asks you (in person) why you have been ignoring her, you can tell her you've been very busy. If she persists, tell her you have an appointment and have to go.

  2. avoid her all together

  3. Stop talking to her and stop showing interesting in what she does or says. Silent treatment can be helpful sometimes.  

  4. Get over it.

    Stay true to your goal: distance yourself from this friend.

    What's the worse she can do to you? Nothing. She's got no friends to back her up, her character and attitude is keeping herself from keeping friends. Tell her to improve her attitude and not only will you accept her as a friend and hang out with her, but others will too.

    It'll be good for her and you.

    Then cooly

  5. I dunno. Copy and paste wat you just wrote.  You can always ignore her. and maybe your in this situation because shes done this to you and you gave in. When she texts you don't say anything to her at all, even if you get upset over it.  Eventually she get the hint.

  6. I have the exact same experience. And she's "friends" with the other people in my group of friends, and we all really don't like her.

    stop replying to her texts and when she asks you about it in school, just sigh or something and say you want to take a break from talking to her for a month, and then after that month, let her down slowly. Yes, it's sleazy, but she has to learn to be less clingy

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