
Annoying habit that I can get out of

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since i can remember ive had a really annoying habit with my fingers, theyre double jointed and whenever im stressed/nervous/bored i just tend to mess with them, I am a very fidgetty person and feel like i have to be doing something with my hands at all times. its got to the point where some days my hands get so sore, what can i do to stop this annoying habit? anybody else have an annoying habit like this that can suggest things?




  1. My jaw cracks at will. But now that I have done it so much it gets sore really easily and it is painful to eat, that is why I have stopped doing it so much: because I know that if I do, I will be in agony while I eat. My advice to you is to find something to do.

  2. wear a ring.. and when you feel fidity, start playing with the ring.

    you could do this with a bracelet too.  this way, you'll still be playing with your hands, but not with your double-joints. haha.  after 30 days... (it usually takes about 27 days to break a habit) try noticing if you are playing with your double-joints or just your bracelet/ring.  if so you should remove these things and see if you play with anything at all?

    when you sit down... sit on your hands.  might not be the most atrractice, but you could do this in the comfort of your own home.

    in the winter time.. (if you have a 'cold winter-time' depending where you live).. wear gloves with finger slots outside. that way your fingers are separate and harder to play with.  

    when you're bored... do something! dance, or play a game... or try some typing games online. this way your fingers are still busy, but in a different way.. and you could even improve your typing skills! :)

    hope you can use one or a few of these ideas! good-luck!

  3. Hmm...  I do the same thing.

    You could try cracking your knuckles instead, or take up smoking.  

    Or get one of those smooshy things that you squeeze to take stress out on, it would occupy your hands while strengthening them too.

    Ideally you could try some progressive relaxation techniques to try to reduce your stress and anxiety levels.  That's probably your best bet.  Read the link for more on this.

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