
Annoying motorists???

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This is something that I have observed while driving on motorways.

I'm driving along at a constant speed (of course at the speed limit ;-) and some bloke zooms past me in his car. Fair enough, but then after he has overtaken he slows right down and then I am forced to overtake him because he is now travelling slower than me.

But then once I have overtaken him, he seems to take offense, speeds up and overtakes again.

What's the need??? Does he have to be in the lead ALL the time? Your opinions on this please...

PS I don't mean to be sexist but it does seem to be men that do this. Doesn't mean that women don't, I just haven't seen any do it lol.




  1. But if you were on the M25, even if the guy had "overtaken" you, you would still be about 126 miles in front of him.

    [For the US or Scottish readers, the M25 is the circular motorway around London about 20 miles out.]


  2. Because it's not his day to borrow the family braincell.

  3. sounds like you are doing the same thing- I would slow down and let him or her be ahead of me. too many crazy driver's out there. why take the chance of road rage. relax, you will get to your destination.

  4. Yep, spot on: I had a great one the other week, coming down the M6, there's a four lane section around the Liverpool area: I'm doing 70mph, come up behind a woman on a completely empty motorway doing about 60 - in lane 3! I pull out to lane 3 & sit behind her for a bit, then flash my lights in case she hasn't seen me. She sits there. I get bored, pull into lane 4, pass her, revert to lane 1 & 2 as we meet traffic & I maintain my 70mph. She immediately passes me doing about 90, then slows to 60 again immediately?!?

    Just mind boggling, I wish I'd had a camera.

  5. You are so right.

    I use cruise control a lot and I sit at a constant 70mph (plus or minus 1mph I guess) and people insist on overtaking then slowing down, so I overtake them, then they overtake me again... I don't get it. Why not sit at a constant speed?

  6. I would just let him stay in front of you just in case he is one of those road rage type of people

  7. Unfortunately there are too many nutters on the road.

  8. It sounds like the same one who has to get by you going way over the speed limit and then cuts in front of you to get to the off ramp. Real stupid.

  9. Yup, know exactly what you mean.

    I travel from Newcastle to Gosford regularly, and sit on a constant 120kp/h and will always have someone drive past me, slow down, and then I pass them again, and they either speed up so I cant pass, or I go pass and they pass me again.

    It also amazes me how many people are prepared to sit in the fast lane for no need whatsoever, and the amount of people who use their mobile phones on the highway.
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