
Annoying store clerks.......?

by  |  earlier

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How many store clerks, asking if you need assistance, does it take before you get annoyed?

I had seven approach me in the space of 2 minutes when I went to the store today, I got sick of it and left.

How many would it take to annoy you??




  1. That's a good thing.  When they don't ask at all is when I get mad.

  2. I worked in a store before and they told you to always approach customers and ask if they needed help.  They would send in secret shoppers to review us and everything.  So don't get mad at the clerks, it's not there fault.

  3. Yeah, I prefer when clerks ignore and avoid me. I hate it when I need to ask a question about where something is, and someone's there to answer. That takes all the fun out of it. I like standing at the cash register for like 10 minutes before anyone thinks to ask if Im ready to go.  

  4. It is either too many or too few clerks around when you need them

  5. they are just doing thier job, they get in trouble if they dont ask you if you need any help.  It does get annoying tho.  Try listening to your ipod while shopping and they will be more likely to ignore you :)

  6. It is annoying, I like to look at what I'm interested in unhindered.  I'd like a sales associate to be nearby if I need help later, but being pounced on by over eager clerks is bothersome.

    7 in 2 minutes is ridiculous.

  7. 7 in 2 mins is pretty excessive. but they r tryin to do their jobs, can't get that mad at them. I personally would be annoyed if more than 1 came up the entire time though. n_n

  8. would you rather stuggle your way through the store and not find what you are after, then still  be pissed off?

  9. It's the manager's fault, a sign of the economic times.

  10. They certainly are enthusiastic about their jobs.  They probably work on commission so whoever gets the sale gets extra pay at the weekend.  The ones I don't like are the clerks who let you stand in a store for half an hour, especially when you are in a rush, and none of them come near you.

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