
Annyoing little brothers?

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long story short how can i get my little brother to stop annoying me but to understand my point of view please read the whole thing.

ok so i have this annoying little brother (hence the title) he is constantly annoying me. we share the same room and while I'm trying to go to bed he starts talking to me about youtube videos or some other stuff when i tell him to leave me alone he doesn't stop. hes 11 and I'm 13 shouldn't he have grown out of it already? today he started jumping on my bed and saying how i had no Friends i got pissed at that because he didn't have a Friend over this entire summer. he always comes with me to my Friends houses and hangs out with us uninvited and now I'm losing Friends because of it. every time i go to my Friends house he gets angry when i say he shouldn't be here and punches me. i mean every time he follows me to my Friends house for no reason and then when my Friends politely tell him to leave he starts punching them. heres an example, i started skateboarding a year ago. when i started of course my brother had to start skateboarding. so my freind danny who is probably one of the best skaters in the school comes over my house to teach me how to skate then my brother comes up and starts bugging us. he goes hey check this out heres my ollie. and my brother doesnt even ollie. danny then says to my brother "franny your not doing it right let me show you how" and franny screams i did do it right shut up andpunches danny in his stomache and of course (i dont blame danny for doing this) danny pushes him and he trips backwards. now francisco goes into the house. we think hes gone for good but then my brother comes out with a kitchen knife and starts chasing him. now danny never comes over here anymore.

heres another story

During my birthday party me and my freinds had a sleep over at my house. Francisco had to come to the party but this isnt even the worst part i told him before the party he could not sleep down staires with us. he says ok then he oes upstaires to my moms room and starts complaining. my mom calls me upstaires and says "paul francisco is sleeping downstaires with you" and i state but thats not fair my freinds dont want francisco their. and my dad says then you should get diffrent freinds. and i say are you Fu*king kidding me i know that was wrong but can you blame me for it he got me so pissed off. now i was forced to sleep upstaires while my brother slept downstaires with my freinds annoying the **** out of them. now i woke up and i thought it was going to be a better day. so me and my freinds set up my ten eighty launch ramp to skate it. we skated for ten minutes then my brother came outside. with his skateboard. so we let him use it but then francisco (my brother) goes off the ramp when a car is coming and almost gets hit. so my mom screams " that is it paul everyone is going home francisco almost got hit by a car." And i got pissed because everyone had to leave my party because some little kid who shouldnt have been there almost got hit by a car. Do you guys think this is fair

Oh this story just happened right before i started writing this question

ok so im upstaires working on a mandatory summer reading project and my brother comes upsatires and starts this weird thing where he puts his finger near my face and goes im not touching you im not touching you i dont know why he does it. i told him to leave me alone so i can finish it then he starts bouncing on my bed. then he takes his lacrosse pole and hits me in the face. i start bleeding. i get pissed and punch him in the stomach then he grabs me and knees me in the face. now my mom comes upstaires and takes away my cellphone and skateboard. i get pissed and go how come francisco isnt in trouble and she says because you punched him in the stomache. I mean come on he kned me in the face and hit me in the face with a lacrosse pole and now im bleeding on my forehead and she doesnt even care.

Can someone please tell me how to stop him from annoying me? i know some people will say just ignore him but its impossible. he follows me every where and he never leaves . can someone please tell me a way to get him to stop being annoying.






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