
Anonymous New York lottery claims?????

by  |  earlier

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If one wins the lottery in NYS (and no, I have not....yet), can in be claimed anonymously under a blind trust????

Can you get a lawyer to claim it for you....if that is at all advisable.

Basically what can you do to stay anonymous...




  1. You can claim it through a blind trust and stay anonymous. The trust will pay the taxes. There is no way to avoid paying taxes. Have your lawyer set up the trust. He'll deposit the ticket as an asset. The banks trust personnel will cash the ticket, pay the taxes out of the winnings, and deposit the remaining amount in the trusts account.  

  2. I really wouldn't worry about it.  You are more likely to be shot on the way to the store to buy your ticket.

    If you get astonishingly lucky, I'm sure you can find a good attorney who will find a way of getting you your money anonymously.

  3. Yes, you can claim it under a trust, and/or have your attorney claim it on your behalf.

    Either way, someplace, there will be a record that you are involved, whether in the trust records or via your attorney.

    There are a wide variety of ways to stay anonymous as far as publicity purchases. But an attempt to claim the money anonymously in order to avoid taxes, etc. would be illegal, and could fall under a wide variety of statutes.


  4. doubt it

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