
Anonymous grave or Tombstone, Flowers etc?

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Poll: Would you like to be buried in an anonymous grave (on the cheap-cheap) or rather have the whole tooty with service, tombstone, expensive coffin etc ?




  1. I want a pyramid!!!

  2. I prefer to be cremated and for crying out loud I don't want anybody to save my ashes to be strewn anywhere. I have it from the horse’s mouth that they simply sweep the ashes of various people together and place them in barrels. When they provide you with ashes in an Urn, directly after the cremation, (it is impossible to supply ashes directly after a cremation, because they are too hot) you can be sure that it is simply scooped out of the barrel which means it is the ashes of various people mixed. It is nauseating I know, but I prefer not to fool myself.

  3. Neither , I want to get cremated...

  4. I have had some unique combinations of illnesses so my organs cannot be reused though that was my first choice when I still had that choice. So I would like to donate my remains to medical science if they think they can use it and if not cremated - do not want to be responsible for anyone else's illnesses. My ashes, or whoever's ashes they really are (I tend to agree with Res on that one), should be put on some garden to help the topsoil. I think funerals and all that goes after is mostly morbid.

    Addition: Just read Emjay's. Haven't had such a good laugh in a while. Call me and I'll introduce you to the weirdo who wants to build a Great China Wall type thing between Canada and the States.  Bet he knows how to build pyramids too. LMAO

  5. I'd like to be cremated and I do not wish for the family to go expensive at all. They will need the money for better things after I have passed. What they do with the ashes is up-to them.

  6. Neither - I would like to be cremated and ashes spread somewhere lekker - like James Bond Island in Phuket!!

    That once my organs (the few that are worth saving) - have been given to some needy person!!

  7. Lol Cakes i want to be cremated and my ashes strewn in the sea,that way I'll know people can not walk all over me!!!!xxxx

  8. Cremation is my personal choice.

    I told my family where to  scatter the ashes  on Table Mountain.  Have very good memories of Cape Town and I always tell them that after that I will leave them alone, because I  went to my earthly home.

  9. I want to be cremated. I would prefer not to have a service. I don't have spesific plans for my ashes.

  10. Cremated and my ashes thrown on Table Mountain, my husbands first wife died and for 3 years after our marriage, he still visited her tombstone for me

  11. I see you all wanna be cremated. Me, I prefer to be buried and then worms can have a lekker feast. Just make sure I'm completely dead. And ya, I'd like people to remember a nice tombstone.

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