
Anorexia online friend?

by  |  earlier

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i am currently suffering from anorexia and i would like an online friend to talk to, also suffering from the ed. Anyone whose aged 12-19/20. x




  1. ok lucy it ,s not a must that you must talk to a ed human you can talk to me now i might not be too good in all that but f you will kindly tell me what that mean

  2. Hey ive juts recoveered from it i dont mind talking to ya if you want help,x

    serious , i nearly died from it i wouldnt get help from ne1 and was put in intensive care and everything im so lucky to still be here and im fully recoverd :)

    its up to you what you do juts a warning but im a 15 year old girl and i dnt minfd talking, answer one of my quesitons and leave an email or sumthing :)


  3. please check out the forum, a support forum for those suffering from self harm, eating disorders, and mental health problems. You can find lots of people to relate to and receive some wonderful support.

  4. Am personally not anorexic, I just wanted to say that recognition of a problem is the first step to curing it. Well done. I wish you all the best with your recovery. good luck

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