
Anorexic and disgusting?

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Do you think I look disgustingly thin and anorexic? A guy friend of mine told me that I was too boney and that no one would ever want to be with me or even cuddle with me because I was too boney and cold and small. It made me sad and feel like I was nasty or something... I'm not asking for attention..I'm aware that I'm skinny, I just want to know if I really look disgustingly thin. (I'm 5'5/102 pounds)

I know they're not very good pictures, but whatever. I'm not asking for photography advice.




  1. I don't think you are too skinny if your doctor says you are healthy go with what he says they know best I mean they are your doctor!!


  2. you need to gain wait. not because someone will cuddle with you or not, s***w that, you need it for your health. you are underweight. youre not extremely underweight, but you should try to gain a couple pounds. and you're beautiful by the way.

  3. um your not to skinny but i am 5'3 95 pounds 15 years old with a 23 inch waist i am naturally thin with a fast metabolisim people will say mean things too make you sad but some one will like you just the way you are your face is pretty

    help with mine;...

  4. NAWW, your gorgeous. just maybe put on 5 lbs or so. ur fineee dont worry bout itt.

  5. no your so pretty!

    you dont look to thin at all

    besides, would you rather be fat???

    answer my friends question? its about me lawl;...

  6. you are not any  of  that. its just that guys like girls that have womanly bodies thats all. yours is more of like a 8 year old boys

  7. ya you look boney but so do i. The point is are you acctually anorexic? If not, and your doctor says you are healthy, just ignore it. I get asked straight out "are you anorexic?" when i am far from it

    Lauren <3

  8. no you're not disgusting maybe if you want it wouldnt hurt to gain a little weight. but don't listen to him.  

  9. Some people are just naturally thin, they can't help it, and just because one guy said that doesn't mean they all think the same way, just take it with a grain of salt.

  10. No you're not disgustingly thin nor are you anorexic. I can relate to you considering your situation, however don't listen to the imbecilic drivel that moron told you. You have to have self confidence in yourself even though sometimes that may feel hard to do, but you have nothing to worry about, especially from an fatuous person like him.  

  11. you dont look disgusting

    but to tell you the truth you are very pretty and would look prettier if you gained just a little bit more weight


  12. ur thin but not disgustingly thin....i can relate so i'm not gonna be critical. guys say things to make females insecure, he'sprolly only sayin that cause he's insecure and feels the need 2 make other people feel smaller than him, it's an ego problem, as long as ur comfortable in ur body thats all that matters  

  13. you are skinny skinny, but not anorexic. but 102 is a bit low, i mean, it wouldn't hurt to gain 20 lbs. unless you are the kind of people who can't physically gain weight because of fast metabolism.

    don't worry!

  14. No not disgusting, just slim. You look good.

  15. No you don't. You are not anorexic, you are perfectly healthy. Whoever says otherwise is just wrong and mean. If you eat healthy, then you are fine. You look good. =)

  16. noo your finee !

    trust me, thats nothing compared to the annorexic people that ive seen  

  17. im the exact same way.

    i hate when people say stuff like that to me.

    as long as you are healthy, i wouldnt care about what other people say.

  18. well im 5'5 and im 102 and i do not look like, ur weight is most likely distributed nicely through ur body, and he's probably just jelous cuz he has nobody to cuddle with and if he does he's jelous cuz his girlfriend is a fat S****y ho bag.  

  19. I don't think you look anorexic, but you are kinda thin. If you gained 5 or 10lbs you'd still be thin but you might look a little curvier. But the important thing is that you're comfortable with yourself.

  20. You're healthy right? then i wouldn't mind cuddling with you =) haha.

  21. you don't, you look thin, but definately not anorexic.

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