
Anorexics? Click <span title="here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1">here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...</span> Best answer in4 hours!!! easy 10 points!!!!!?

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Do anorexics honestly eat NOTHING? Like, for five months striaght do they just not eat at all? Or do they have some crackers or something? How often? And how do they do it?!? lol!?




  1. Let me tell you something about them. Their not interesting, and not something that you should be thinking about.

    Anorexics DON&#039;T EAT like the average person should.

    They think their fat when their not. So why bother?

    They eat only little amout of food, such as fruit, or crackers, but just little but excersize a h**l of a lot.

    Now that I am telling you this, it&#039;s nothing you should do, it bad for your health and will make you ill.

    Anorexia can also kill you if your not careful, like the body shuting down from not eating well, or not alot of body mass to keep up with it. Just not right, and it&#039;s ugly.

  2. usually anorexics start out by watching calories and stuff and start working out A LOT

    and then some eat nothing but soup or crackers (and sometimes when they&#039;re done they puke it out). but then there&#039;s some that don&#039;t eat AT all.

    most of them work out and if they don&#039;t they can&#039;t think about anything else until they work out...

    it&#039;s a sad subject but when ppl get really desperate that&#039;s what happens

  3. ......think for a second, if you didnt eat anything for 5 months you would die, of course they eat something just not alot and they often skip meals

    and i can tell you want to become anorexic, dont do it...ive had friends how have struggled with it and its something you do NOT want to get into....just eat health and exercise, thats all you can really do

  4. Each one is different for each situation.

  5. um i think they eat something probably like crackers like you said but i cant even think about eating nothing but crackers for 5 months straight


  7. if your asking because you want to lose weight quickly, anorexia is a problem that&#039;s not something you &#039;want to be&#039; or &#039;learn how to do&#039;. stop being lazy and go to the gym.

  8. no they have to eat some days others they dont..

    beacuse they would be dead if no food for five months.

  9. okay im not anarexic but no ppl with eating disorders usually have liek 100 calories a day and work out on empty stomachs, but please babe dont dot hat! trust me its not good at all. &lt;&lt;3

    I hope i helped ^_^

  10. No. Anorexia isn&#039;t just about not eating. It&#039;s a control issue. Anorexics know that they can control their weight and their calorie consumption. Therefore, they usually set a daily limit of calories that they will allow themselves to consume. I knew a girl who couldn&#039;t force herself to eat more that 500 calories a day. So yes, they do eat, but very little. But they stay freakishly thin because they work off all of their calories too. And then there are the purging moments/ days. This is when they eat everything in sight because of the monster cravings. This is usually followed by them vomiting it all up. It&#039;s a very vicious and dangerous cycle.

  11. okay that is rude! people dont like to be called that! yes they eat like one banana a day and thats it! do not become an anerexic it is not healthy and you will be at risk of death! and they puke there guts out!

  12. honestly

    you are going to look pale and gross

    and no guys will like you, because you will just be all skin and bone, and how is that attractive?

    but  (I am not encouraging you!) if you ARE going to be anorexic, AT LEAST take vitamin supplements, so you wont be really really unhealthy

    anorexic people make me want to gag btw

  13. um, are you going to go anorexic?

    that is extremely unhealthy!

    they don&#039;t eat anything

    end up passing out

    worries their friends and family

    might even die

    no a good life choice!

  14. Hey,

    Well it all depends greatly on the individual, some people eat one meal a day and slowly over time lose enough weight to be classified as anorexic, some people are bulimic to the point that they become anorexic and some people eat little to nothing. Some anorexics go days without food then eat a little bit and some eat say an apple a day. Sometimes to avoid getting found out they starve themselves then when they feel like they are going to faint they eat  something. Now as for how they do it, its down too sheer determination,

    Hope this helps :)



    They either eat nothing and ie,

    Or eat a lot and then throw it up using a toothbrush(this leads to bad teeth cuz of the acid going back and fourth in your body)


  16. Anorexics do not eat anything or they allow themselves one or two things a day, usually foods that don&#039;t have calories or fat.

    How do they do it? They have a serious medical condition.

    If you&#039;re looking to lose weight, starving yourself is not the answer. Did you know that when people have anorexia, it&#039;s not fat that they&#039;re losing, but muscle? Imagine losing so much muscle that you can barely hold yourself up. Attractive? No.

  17. does it really matter that much to you???

    but i had to like study that during school- yes they eat but some skip a meal and others go days without food.they do it to look skinnier not that hard to answer

  18. nibble on low cal things like biscuits or crackers, and burn off the calories atraight away!!! tea and coffee is a good way of gettin energy and not takin in too many calories

  19. umm they dont eat and ppl usualy find out in a week and take them to rehhab i had a freind who was anorixic she had a pump in her nose. and they get shaky leggs and pale and faint and are skinny and stuff.

  20. sometimes yeah they do eat nothin or they will drink water or eat things that have no calories like plain lettuce or something,and if they happen to do eat somethin with calories they exercise it off. sometimes they will even chew up food and spit it out before they swallow it...its very sick.

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