
Anorexics out there !!! What do you do when u start passing out???

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Hey alll..., ashamed as i am so ask this question i am anorexic sadly .. but recntly ... i fear food as much as i fear death... it has been ok right now but i have been starting to pass out a couple of times,... any ideas on how not 2 pass out but at the same time not eat ??




  1. My cousins girlfriend is anorexic, she passed out while driving wrecked her car, and it was a miracle that she lived.  So now not only is her appearance awful because of how incredibly skinny she is she has scars all over her body from intubation, and major surgeries that were needed because of the wreck.  I dont think there is a way to avoid passing out EXCEPT to NOURISH your body with FOOD.

  2. Stop doing that

    I was too and believe me life is amazing at the other side of the bridge. Try to get our of there and of course it is possible, if you really want, it is.

  3. So... you're asking a question that anyone with a slight bit of common sense could answer? So.. attention seeking or what?

    PS I Weigh less than you lolol.

  4. Death or serious permanent damage to your body can't be far off now.

    You accept you are anorexic, now accept that it is a mental illness.

    Time to see a doctor!

  5. eat, by the way how much do you weight? and ur height? im 85 pounds and 5''2! but im healthy! so i was thinking it could be malnutrition, ask a doctor, ok?

    Im not anorexic by the waay but just trying to help!

  6. It's impossible.  You'll only get worse and it will happen more and more often.  Your body needs fat, carbohydrates, and protein to live.  If you don't eat properly your heart will start getting weaker and your internal organs will start losing their ability to function.

    You need to get some professional help to address this problem.  The end result is sickness, permanent heart and liver/kidney damage, and death.  If you let this illness run its course, (best-case-scenario) you'll have health problems throughout your entire life.

    You should be eating at least 4-5 small meals a day and take a multivitamin.  You're just going to have to learn to force yourself to do it.  There's no other choice.

  7. Try drinking a lot of juice ! if you can that's all i do ! and icecram is very easy to digest and very easy to throw up  

  8. Your not going to like my answer but I think you should get treatment now that you are to the point of passing out.

    How can you possibly fear DEATH if you are Killing yourself.

    If you think I do not know what is going on is a disease, you are wrong. However its time for you to get treatment so you don't meet that feared death of yours in such a short time of life here.

      This question SCREAMS help me. And if anyone gives you advice on how to help kill yourself by making sure you can still starve your body, well they are disgusting people who don't really give a c**p if you die. I don't know you, but I DO give a c**p.. Please start a new life by getting some serious help that is available all over the globe.

    Below is a link to a site with free advice and several free help line numbers for every area of the planet.

  9. You should always eat your food! What body image do you have in mind, because do all anorexics not have a perfect body image that they want (celebrities etc). Look on the internet about celebrity workouts and eating regimes. Always remember that you have to eat for your best body

    I suffered a small bit of anorexia (fear of food) when I lost 5 1/2 stone over several months. Then I learnt that you have to eat for your best every body!

  10. Unfortunately if you do not eat, you will continue to pass out.

  11. When you feel yourself feeling dizzy, then stop what you are doing and just sit down. Especially if you are exercising - stop! Take a few sips of water and close your eyes. You could try caffeine pills which I found worked well for me. They just give you a bit of a buzz and help you stay awake. If none of this works then you might have to eat a little - a cube of cheese oh an apple or something. Everyone's body is different, so different things will work for you than did for me. But yes - I advise caffeine pills to take around with you, and an apple or some kind of snack food that you can just pull out for emergencies. Good luck x

  12. Well, you need to see a shrink and a physician.

    And if you don't start eating properly, you will pass out once and for all.

    Good luck.

  13. just eat! you need food to live, with out food you WILL die.  

  14. I have been told I am underweight.  I am a male and I have an eating disorder too.  

    I sometimes strave all day or eat very little then I go running or swimming and I feel so weak because I am malnurited.  Last week after I ran I could not walk right for a while I kept banging into things and felt myself loosing focus I felt faint and my heart was beating really fast.  My doc recently told me I am going too kill myself if I keep going this way.

    I did not tell him I starve myself intentionally I just said I have trouble eating.  My parents think I have anorexia and I feel that way.  I look at myself and don't always see the skinny person others see.  It must be very hard being a girl these days as the emphasis is about being thin and looking good.

    If you don't seek immediate help you will pass out someday and never wake up.  Or worse you may end up with sivere braindamage and not know who you are. I don't mean too frighten you.  I've been told all these things myself.

    Please don't abuse yourself like this any longer.

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