
Another 'what does this dream mean?' question?

by  |  earlier

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So i had this dream, that i was on a beach (sandy if it matters) and the waves were in an organized height, then the cheat from homestar runner came, but was hit by one of the smallest waves and flung out of sight.

Then my friend came and said he had a catapult, so i got in it and he fired me into the sea (it was like more exiting diving) i curled up into a cannon-ball shape, but i never hit the water, i just kept falling, i remember being really scared that hitting the water was going to hurt




  1. The waves could mean a problem in your life- and fear that the problem can destroy you, like it did the cheat guy.

    Then you are thinking of a way to get above this problem, maybe you are seeing other people (like your friend) who have already achieved this and you would like to do the same. But you are afraid to take that step, afraid of what could happen.

    Tell me, accurate at all?

  2. Dreams generally don't "mean" anything. We tend to apply or infer a meaning if we can ascribe a person, place or thing to the parts of a dream.

    Dreaming is simply the sub-conscience working out something in your everyday life.

    Perhaps you recently saw catapults, home star runner, beaches, or that friend recently and your mind sloshed them together randomly in your sleep.

    Don't worry about it. Dreams are meaningless.

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