
Another AFL team in Sydney?

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How is this going to work, and who is going to support this team in NRL heartland? Does Andy think he can force the League crowd into liking AFL? Can anyone explain this bizarre idea to me because it seems crazy.




  1. yes it will work

    Rugby is finished

    its and English game

    not suited to our tough conditions

  2. can the state hold 2 afl sides, what about tassie afl side

  3. i thought sydney was only a fan of nrl, but not afl. they should've made a new team in tasmania and darwin, since they didn't have any.

  4. GO EAGLES WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH!( i am chic btw not a dude LOL)  Well maybe you could show them that ruby is for ninnies**sorry if I offended n e one in any way** I mean come on in AFL you can do awsum8ed stuff like there are practically no rules ** and if n e of you Friends are chiics say that the guys are way hotter!)

  5. I understand that most people dont want this move but here are a few reasons why it might work

    Population out west is huge they will only need a very small percentage of supporters to get 30000 to a game

    This club will be a fair dinkum Sydney side not imported from Melbourne aka South Melbourne

    The AFL will prop them up financially so they will have a huge advantage over all Melbourne clubs

    They will get supporters from NRL once they have been to few games and see it at the highest level

    Every new club in the AFL has eventually been a success like it or not this new club will have the FULL support of the AFL hierarchy so they have a massive advantage over a few Melbourne clubs that are struggling

    The two NRL teams there only get about 30000 people to there games when they are doing well, this drops off heaps when they struggle. Sydney fans are definately fair weather supporters

    If you build it they will come

    I'm not a real fan of the idea either but the idea has some merit

  6. look at the dockers and the power - both 20 odd years of development and no real support outside Freo and Mt Gambier for either.

    When will Andy realise that TV rights make money but a club evolves from a group of guys who want to play football, strange concept though it is, and the families/friends who support this?

    If there is to be another NSW club, it should be based on Canberra or Wagga where there is solid AFL support and is accessible for people from three major centres to travel to matches.

    Leave the Blacktown Bogans to be an NRL team

  7. We Victorians {most} didn't want any interstate teams, I used to go to every game now I am lucky if I get to a handful a year, with interstate and games played all over the ship.I respect that the NRL is Sydneys game, I know I would be P----- off if they invaded us.

  8. Next thing the AFL will want to base a team in NZ and then at least we would all have a common team to hate.

    I can't work out why they don't have a team from Tasmania it would make so much more sense.

  9. watch the afl waste 20 million dollars on a team that wont sell

  10. simple answer- it wont work, Andy has lost the plot on this one, teams are struggling financially in Victoria adding two teams to the league will only make those clubs die quicker, maybe that is the true agenda here.

    try bloody tassy first, the crowd are already fans.

  11. HEY RICHO.I'm with you mate i just can't grasp this concept and i can't understand how Andy thinks a side in Sydney's west will survive.Sydney's west is probably one of the main strong holds of Rugby league and i can't see that changing,i would have thought Tassie would be a better option although i think the AFL know its just a matter of time before a Vic side ends up down there.

  12. It will work.

    A byproduct will be that there will be a game every week in Sydney (and Qld).

    AFL is really stong in the North West / Hills district, the Swans are very supportive of the local comps but a new team with AFL marketing/resources will get a big following in the area.

    I've yet to meet a NRL supporter who didn't want to go to another AFL game after their first.

  13. Agree with the previous posters. It looks like Demetriou is pretty confident of beating Rugby League in its heartland. Having been a Rugby League fan all my life, I very much doubt its going to happen.

    I am friends with a Brisbane Lions trainer who told me on pretty good authority that prior to the 2001 premiership the Brisbane Lions were on the verge of financial collapse. I also know that the Swans only average the crowds that they do because its a one team town.

    Put competing teams into the AFL's fringe markets and their asking for more Kangaroo scenarios, where the AFL is feeding them money to keep them alive.

    Relocating current financially struggling clubs to Canberra, Darwin or Tasmania is a far better idea, but then again Rugby League has suffered from forced changes in the past, maybe the AFL is looking to learn from some of the NRL's mistakes.

  14. They are proposing a team in Blacktown I think...well thats what they said last year.

    It wont work and that twit Andy will have flushed lots of $$$$ which could have been given to the Kangas to get them back on their feet financially.

    Its a bizarre concept that will not NRL THAT boring that they have to force another AFL side there ??

  15. Here are some myths you can dispel first:

    1. Sydney-siders hate AFL

    2. All Sydney-siders love NRL

    3. Western Sydney is an NRL heartland (Penrith maybe but that's like calling Geelong Melbourne.

    Also remember that every time you hear Sydney has grown in population it HAS to be out west (or SW).

    SCG is a looong way from a lot of fans.

    Despite the pre-federation ideals of a lot of people on YA Sydney is very open to AFL.

    A lot of people have no idea what Sydney is like, believe it or not there are not 5 million bogans here wearing an old parra jumper. People are basing their ideas on ignorance.

    It can work Richo because AFL is a great game and people don't have to choose between it and NRL, you are allowed to watch both. All my friends who were dubious about AFL really like it now (albeit with the "confusing" rules).

  16. Sydney's not the place.  Tassie is, for its tradition.

    Donsfan, your insular Mexican attitude wins you no fans.  Have you forgotten who the current NRL premiers are, Melbourne Storm.

  17. its bloody crazy richo, just wont work, they hate 'our' game up there, take the game where its wanted.

    it will cost the afl millions to get this going, to support the new team etc, nup, this is madness.

  18. really is there

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