
Another Australian faces the firing squad in Asia?

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Do you think Jasmine Luong should face the firing squad in Vietnam for smuggling heroin to Australia.




  1. Yes of course, whereever she was caught, she should face that countries penalties, she shouldn't have been smuggling drugs in the first place.

    It is their laws and they need to be respected, people don't understand what drugs can do to villages in countries like that.

  2. if she smuggling heroin to Australia she will not be shot in Vietnam she will be locked up in Australia

    if she was caught in Vietnam before leaving that country she may be shot

    but i don't care do the crime do the time(or death in this case)

  3. Unfortunately the Vietnamese haven't executed anyone with the slightest Australian connection for a while.

    1.5kg brings a huge misery for the potential of a huge amount of money. Frankly, shooting is far to good for that sort of scum.

    I plead to the Viet government to have the strength of their convictions and blast the h**l out of her.

  4. I disagree with the death penalty, but that's the rule there so their laws need to be respected.

  5. If you're stupid enough to attempt smuggling drugs in a country with a death penalty for that offence, you've accepted that if you get caught, you'll probably receive that penalty. I don't have much sympathy for criminals who would bring drugs into the country where I live, bringing our society down, creating needs for robberies so that junkies can score. We should have harsher penalties here in Australia.

  6. Yes.  You break the law, you face the consequnces.

    What is it with all these people who knowingly break the law, and then when caught, plead and beg for mercy?  On what basis should she be granted mercy when it was her own free will to break the law?

    I'm sick of people who can't take the consequnces of their own damned actions!

    And this has nothing to do with the death penalty and whether you agree or not - its everything to do with just obeying the law.  Is that soo hard?!


  8. if she was stupid enough to smuggle drugs she is stupid enough to be shot

    another drug smuggler bites the dust!

  9. I cant believe that people still do it knowing the risk if they are caught.......Just for sheer stupidity Yes ......I've no real sympathy for these idiots.......

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