
Another Bomb Kills 11 People in Pakistan?

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Do you still think it's safe for our players in Pakistan after yesterday's bomb blast at Peshawar that killed 11 people?




  1. no


  3. how can you go and play cricket there this is like waving a sign saying blow me up to the suicide bombers n **** it is stupid we should not send our players to places what are dangerous the families of the players would be worried every single second

  4. absolutely safe, because the core reason is involvement of "prestige of the nation pakistan, ICC, PCB".

    hope it helps,

    god bless!

    best wishes!

  5. Death is god's will. If your meant to die you die, no one can stop god.

    Nothing will happen to the team. There will be a high security alert. ASIA CUP went fine. If nothing happened to Indian I assume nothing will happen to Australians.

    Nothing can change god's will.

    God Bless.  

  6. Number 1. You haven't stated where the bomb occured. It was probably a remote area that the cricketers would not be allowed access to.

    Number 2. If ICC claim that Pakistan is safe, and persuade everyone to go and someone get's killed they will be in big trouble. I don't think they want themselves in that possition.

    Number 3. Do you remember this:

    It was the threat of losing future earnings in the Indian Premier League (IPL) that made Australia's contingent from the Rajasthan Royals franchise stay on in Jaipur despite their fears following Tuesday's deadly terrorist attack.

    Shane Warne, Shane Watson and Victorian-based team manager Darren Berry, as well as South African Graeme Smith, were reportedly told on Friday that if they left the country – a step they seriously contemplated - they may not receive further offers to play in the lucrative Twenty20 tournament, reported the Sydney Morning Herald.

    >>>None of them fled the country after bombs in India, that doesn't look to good in my eyes. Now they won't even step foot in Pakistan. Don't tell me it's different, a bomb is a bomb, whether it's in India or Pakistan.

    EDIT: sorry about that. If only i knew where Peshawar was.

    If current Australian players were there it would involve the whole team. Not just Warne and Watson. So same story there.

  7. This is the first bombing in Pakistan for weeks. It appears to be directly linked to the Taleban fighting over the border in Afghanistan.

    No, players cannot be 100% guaranteed their safety if they visit Pakistan.

    However, the situation in Pakistan, since the new coalition government was formed, is far more stable than it was last year.

    The current bombing may be an isolated incident, or it may be the start of a new campaign of violence by pro-Taleban supporters. The situation will need to be monitored very closely and yes, if the situation worsens, then players need to give serious consideration to pulling out.

    I would like to point out that I live in a northern ex-mill town in north west England, with a very high Pakistani and Indian population. So I speak to people of Pakistani backgrounds on a daily basis. Many of them regularly return to Pakistan to visit relatives, sometimes for months at a time.

    Never once has anyone said to me that they are afraid to go to Pakistan. They have never come up to me and told me that people they know have been blown up.

    This is unlike the asylum seekers from Iraq and Afghanistan whom I have met, who arrived en-masse in my town a few years back, and who had horroe stories to tell about their homelands, including horrific tales of bomb blasts killing their families.

    Yes, Pakistan can be a dangerous place to go. Proper security precautions need to be taken.

    However it is not the only country to suffer from terror attacks. Here in Britain, we had the Tube bombings a few years back, Glasgow Airport was targeted last year, and there have been numerous other incidents. And these aren't new: we had the IRA bombing us for years. That didn't, and doesn't still, stop people coming to Britain.

    I am not saying that there is no element of risk in going to Pakistan. But I feel that Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and England are wanting to pick and choose which countries they wish to visit.

    Obviously it is a real connundrum, and not a decision to be taken lightly.  But I do wonder that if hundreds of thousands of pounds were to be offered to players to go there, would they think of the cash first?

  8. No..No way!!...

    In my question that i posted yesterday and that OZ had deleted i stated they are going to pull the tournament out of Rawalpindi,that to me is more than enough to say it is not safe..

    Oh well maybe when a bomb goes off while the players are playing the might really see how serious this situation is..

    It has nothing to do with being scared neither,so all of you people who are saying we are being scared you are taking through your a**es.......

    Oh well atleast if Australia does pull out then we dont need to worry,about our players safety do we Jake....

    And god help us IF anything does happen to the beloved Indian team too...

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