
Another Credit Question...?

by  |  earlier

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So how important is employment history on a credit report. I am 21 and have had MANY jobs. I have always been a loyal and responsible emplyee and ended on good terms with all of my employers. But again I am young I am a full time student as well. So finding the best job for me has been difficult and things come upin life. But I can't really give the creditor this whole long story....As far as credit I am doing pretty well I think, but I was just wondering how much of an impact employment history and stability has when trying to get a loan or something?? Is there a good posibility for denial if you have had alot of jobs most under a year??




  1. Lenders prefer that you have some job stability, if not with the same employer then at least within the same industry for a few years.  However, you are a full-time student.  You are not expected to be in the work force full time, and certainly not expected to have had job with the same employer for any amount of years while still in school.

    That being said, I'm not sure what kind of loan you are going to qualify for as a full-time student.  You may need to get a co-signer.  Unless you can demonstrate that you truly have the means (possibly with your current job) to pay back the loan.


  2. yes but your main job when filling out any application is STUDENT

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