
Another Dance Question

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Okay I need help with spotting and also how can I improve leaps,pirouettes?




  1. Try balancing in retere to improve your pirouettes. Make sure your releve is high. When going into a pirouette make sure your supporting leg locks straight immediately. You want to feel as though there is a string pulling through your spine and above your head to make you feel tall and lifted. Whether turned out or turned in make sure your retere is as high as possible and you point your feet! Make sure you don't sickle. Look at yourself in the mirror and check that your arms are rounded with good technique and that they are right out from your sternum. Keep your shoulders down!

    Spotting can be simply done by focusing on a certain point. Snap your head quickly so that you do not throw off your turn.

    With leaps you want a good plie and think more about elevation than traveling forword. Make sure there's extension throughout your leg, and that you do not loose control of your arms. Having flexibility, strength, and control is the key to mastering leaps.

  2. to help your spot put something on the wall in front of you and never stop looking at it when you turn

    on leaps plie more and go for height and not distance

    for pirouettes make sure your prep is strong and dont let your arms throw you off

  3. With spotting find something on the wall (light switch, picture, etc.) and MAKE SURE ITS AT EYE LEVEL! Then when you turn to spot, make sure your head is the first thing that goes around. Think of "whipping" your head around.

    For pirouettes, your prep is the most important thing. Make sure your in a good plea and make sure your ams are strong in second position. (Like your holding a beach ball). Also hold you stomach in...this will keep you from leaning to one side and allow you do more than one pirouette. Think of a string pulling you up.

    For leaps, a plea right before you leap is also the most important thing. Think of height, not distance. I hope this helped! Remember: practice makes perfect, good luck!!!!

  4. to spot keep your eyes on something at eye level and never take your eyes off of it.

    to improve your leap when you leap look in the mirror to see what you are doing wrong. for example if you didn't jump high enough or if your back leg is to low. well now you now whats wrong and you just have to fix it like if your back leg is to low next time focus on lifting it up. or if you aren't high enough when you take your steps or sashays foreward push really hard to get momentum and then push of really hard again when you leap and you should go higher.

    and for your pirouettes stay straight


    and make shure your arms and legs are in the right position


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