
Another HPT??? had a slight line but on the side of where it should be ?

by  |  earlier

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i just took a test and it was the hep early result test. it is at night that i took it so i got a box with two to take another in the morning but this one after 3 or 4 minutes i looked under light and it seamed like i saw the little strip that has to catch the hormone to turn colors ( the one that people say would be the evaporation line) and i could see the line white but on the edge on one side it was the blue color but very very very light. do i concider it pos or neg since the actual strip was not blue. i should start my period in about 2 days. and if i was pregnant i think i would have ovulated late. so the test may not show up early. just wondering if you might have had ths issue with seeing the side of the strip colored.




  1. I had a something similar to what your describing. I took one 2 days before in the afternoon, and it was very very light, (like half of a line) I thought I was imagining it. Then 1 day before, at night, same thing. The next morning again and it was a pretty noticeable line. The doctor confirmed that I was pregnant a few days later! :)

    Good Luck & God Bless! I hope everything turns out the way you want!  

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