
Another Kennedy situation we are in?

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So...with the war in Iraq being representative of the Vietnam war...and Obama is the modern day Kennedy...if he was elected you see a similar situation of him in office? Trying to help us out of Iraq...very much for the people....etc...

I'm not pro Obama..nor pro McCain in this question...its just an un-bias thought....please enlightn me on your thoughts...




  1. Well, Obama would be essentially inheriting a far along Iraq War if elected, whereas Kennedy took over in the early days of the Vietnam War and was killed before it really escalated. So I'm not sure that the analogy holds in that way.  

  2. Obama is nothing like Kennedy.  He wants out of Iraq but wants us to get involved with other countries in the middle east.  Shortly before he was killed, Kennedy began pushing laws that would have gotten rid of the Federal Reserve system and given us our economy back and he even spoke out against secret societies involved in our government months before he was shot.  When obama was asked about secret societies he mocked the person that asked him.  Obama works for Kennedy's enemies.

  3. all the president of america are thief and terrorist because every president has stolen muslim country and this president will do the same. so nothing is to worry which president win.

  4. lol

    john kennedy actually got us inbroiled into viet nam

    added a huge influx of troops and escalated everything

    dem's dont talk much about that

    they prefer talking about camelot

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