
Another Leopard Gecko Question?

by  |  earlier

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So I know what I am getting now (2 Hiding spots, a moist hiding spot, vitamins, a carpet substrate, heating pad, a food dish, a water dish, and of course a gecko). If i missed anything plz tell me. Also I'm going to keep it on a main diet of meal worms and sometimes wax worms because crickets stink and my mom would never let me keep them in the house. I have a 20 gallon aquarium. So how much will all that cost me?




  1. mealworms are a bad food choice for a leopard gecko, very hard to digest and can mean a short life for a leopard gecko. as for the pricing(im asuming your just geting this at like petsmart:

    $30 for a leopard gecko

    $50 for the tank

    $15 for the heating pad

    $15-30 for the other stuff

    so around $100 of more.

  2. idk breh..

    but i cant find mealworms at any pet stores near me im in miami,fl... and no one has them so i have to use crickshitts and theyre a pain.. i buy em in a 36 pack at petco and like in 10 hrs half are dead and the other have are fed.... so im buying d**n crickshits every 2 days nd its really f'n annoying now

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