on the consumer.
And, clearly, they need to be responsible for their own mistakes.
But we have always had ignorant people who try to buy more than they can afford.
WHY is this different? How were so many people able to get loans they couldn't afford?
Isn't it the responsibility of the Bank to assure the person applying for the loan has a reasonable chance of making payments?
If you MUST bring up Bush or the Republicans in your answer, please explain how they are involved, instead of just saying "they want to do away with meddle class." like these people.http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=Ai1faiN.7eQZhtL1N4d0uQ7sy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080812081011AAjkuK5&show=7#profile-info-AA10222223