
Another Opinion Poll On s*x?

by Guest60577  |  earlier

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Why is that kids today treat underage s*x so nonchalantly? I am a teen myself and maybe its just jealousy but it really disgusts me when I hear about 11, 12, 13, and 14 year olds having s*x. Do these kids not understand that most people even at 17 aren't ready to have s*x... let alone 13! I am a prude by no means but good god! Do they not realize that by doing these things they can go to jail? Or maybe they will have fun telling their parents they knocked up their 13 yearold neighbor. Please I need opinions!




  1. its WIGGY wack!

  2. I don't like it either. s*x shouldn't be treated that way. It can be a beautiful thing, but when kids are doing it carelessly it can have bad results. And it's really not a beautiful thing at all when the kids are so young. They kind of become desensitized to the whole idea of having s*x and they don't think about how much of themselves they are giving away when they do it. Or like you mentioned, they don't think about what happens if they knock someone up or they get knocked up. It's very serious, and it alters lives drastically. It's very sad, but unfortunately it's almost as though kids are being taught that it's okay to have s*x whenever they feel like it. They're just not mature enough, and the fact that they've lost their virginity does not make them any more mature.

  3. Peer pressure, media, and parent's lackadaisical attitude towards their children.  Children are growing up way too fast these days - it's an epidemic really.  I'm in my mid 20's, but even back when I was a teen it wasn't this bad.

  4. I also agree with you. Kids on that age should be at school & having fun with their youth rather than acting like an adult but will later regret it.  We can get young only once in our life so better enjoy it & seize every nice opportunity in a good way.  They need to realize that they are still kids & they're no different from an 8 to 10 yr old kid. Only people starting from 18 yrs old are considered as an adult.

  5. You are right!  I think it's just the "In Thing" to do, along with peer pressure, which is very unfortunate!

    When it comes to s*x & the human anatomy, these kids are undereducated, which is a travesty!

  6. Hey, I'm here now. Unfortunately many children are growing up without any guidance on the subject. The first time is not fun, it's a ghastly experience if you are not mature enough to deal with all the consequences. The imagined is not at all like the reality. Enjoyment does come with maturity and the best s*x is with the love of your life : )

  7. I completely agree hun. It honestly disgusts me to hear about these CHILDREN having s*x. They aren't grown up just because they put a p***s in a v****a. Here's my theory: if you aren't equipt or ready enough to handle the reprocussions of pregnancy, disease or the mental capacity to handle any of the above, then you need to keep your d**n legs closed. I'm only early 20's and I can tell you when I was growing up, my mom let me play with Barbie and watch cartoons until I was 13. Even after that I still did things because I had a REAL childhood. These kids are "growing up" too fast and their childhoods are going to the sh*ts.

    -Later Gator-

  8. Omg, I know. It really shocks me when someone goes, "Yeah...I lost my virginity at *blank* age." And then I think to myself. "wow. That's how old I am." I mean, seriously, my friends and I love talking about it, but it's different when you actually do it and don't think it's a big deal. There are people who go to my school who go around with condoms in their backpacks!!!

    ew. i'm ok with it before marriage but I have to be the legal age first.

  9. I completely agree. My friend the other day told me that her 12 year old sister asked her mother for freaking birth control! She is having s*x and her sixteen year old sister isn't. I'm not a prude by any mean, and I'm a virgin and I think it's just disgusting.

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