
Another Palin question!!!!!?

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Who else can't wait for Palin to tear into Bidden at the debates. This is one tough, smart lady. She is going to rip him a new one!!!!




  1.   You are right. Perhaps you know her. Wish we all did. She's a great one.

  2. Well wow I haven't even heard her speak yet and you know how the debates are going to go. Do me a favour and post nexts weeks lottery numbers as well.


  3. I think this lady can handle anything they throw at her. Look at her record. She's tough and she succeeds in everything she goes after.

  4. yeah like that 19 year old ripped into her 17 year old daughter

    Am I right folks?

  5. McCains choosing Palin was nothing more than a flimsy attempt to win over hillary supporters.  duh.

  6. You are so right! When she gets done with Biden he will know he has been bested by the best.

    She is what the Democrats keep screaming for, she is the Real Deal and will work hard to implement change She is more than a pretty face and fancy words. She has proven that already with her track record. She has taken on old school politics and won. All the libs can do is try to twist her actions and tell half truths to try to misdirect attention away from the real issues. Her daughter is a non-issue because she isn't the one running for office. Liberals will try anything now because they are scared and starting to see the writing on the wall and it says Obama loses big time.

  7. I hope she manages the country better, than she does her family.

  8. I can't wait to see them, these will be the highest rated debates ever, though I am dismayed that people are already saying Biden needs to use caution because Palin is a woman, he should ask her the same questions he would a man, s*x should not be an issue.

  9. Is this a joke? Palin is an unknown commodity compared to Biden. Experience usually makes all the difference in debates. Look at the Cheyney - Edwards debate as a fine example.  

  10. I hope she is as good as I think she will be, I too cannot wait  until we  hear her speak on lay all this bs to rest...

  11. I think she will hold her own pretty well I think, with the exception maybe of foreign policy.   We'll just have to wait and see, it should be interesting.

  12. LOL Acid Tongue

  13. Biden is going to eat her for lunch.  

  14. Biden is an alcoholic and yesterday he told Israel that it was on its own if Obama's elected and he said in Scranton that HE was the one running for president.

    Biden's been a plagiariazer and loan-defaulter from way back.  He's just a tired old Washington hack never-was.

  15. Yeah........have fun with that.  You're going to be waiting a long time, because it's never going to happen.

  16. I am kind of excited because she seems intent and determined to get guys like Biden out of Political offices and bring focused and determined citizens with a main goal of ending corruptness into the government. Biden has been a Senator for 36 years, he is part of the problem, not the solution.

    Palin has one key trait, she was not born a politician, and she understands that every citizen wants lower taxes and a government that doesn't control the lives of the people. When I watched her speak I felt she is what our federal government needs, someone who isn't afraid to point the finger at anyone, Republican or Democrat when they have done something wrong.

    She will revive the Republican PArty.

  17. She will be just fine. I do not have a doubt. She  has a lot on her shoulders, But she has A God to guide her also. So, I am at ease with her debating anyone.  She will hold her own.McCain and Palin 2008

  18. He picked her because she has a nice butt. There's no way she'll be an asset in a debate. She's a social conservative. I hope McCain wins, but.. seriously, a social conservative couldn't beat a homeless dreg in a debate, much less a vastly more experienced senator.

  19. She is going to be on the hotseat you are so right, she will indeed crumble. She wont surprise anyone. We all know she isnt VP material. Thanks for bringing that up :-)

  20. You are correct.  Although, I am sure Biden is going through all of her opponents in Alaska speeches to plagiarize anything he can...

  21. wrong. Biden has years of debates. he knows how to attack weak opponents.

  22. Let's wait and see how this plays out before we are all experts. And by the way, if Biden does "eat her up", it will just be another Democrat going after s*x.

  23. Thank you for posting this I needed a good morning laugh. Biden will run her through, though it might not be necessary since she might have to miss the debate to go to jail.

  24. Biden is already calculating what to say & how to say it.  This woman will be having other things on her mind she will look like what she is a "TOKEN" nothing more nothing less.  McShame on him for choosing her to gain the female vote, this election is about him for him and not us THE AMERICAN PEOPLE...

    Obama 08

  25. Ok. If Biden doesn't trip over his own tongue, he will win easily.

  26. Yes, I concur that this will be something different we have not seen in politics (probably ever)

    Sarah Palin will make a positive impression on everyone.

    I don't know who will win the election in the fall but I don't think anyone

    can say for sure this will be a landslide or a shoe in for the Democrats.

    I am glad McCain picked Sarah Palin too..even though I voted for

    Mitt Romney in the Michigan Primaries

    I have always been a Democrat but now it seems the Democrats have

    changed.  They used to be the party of compassion and from the

    sounds coming from the liberals they all sound like a bunch of typical

    politicians who are afraid to confront something new and different.

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