
Another Planet?

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Ok. so far ive seen jupiter from my last question, now this one: is it venus? right now, june 16, 2008, west chester, i see a very bright star, or planet, not far from full moon. I went to show my dad, and he said ''thats too big to be a star, its brighter''.

Is it possibly venus?




  1. Venus has a bluish tint too. Mars a redish tint... Jupiter will be yellow. If that helps...

  2. It is Jupiter.  If you have a small telescope, you can see two of the moons on each side of the planet (I just looked).  Jupiter is nearly as bright as Venus, which looks like a white disk, or crescent, through a telescope.  But Venus is closer to the sun than we are, so it never appears close to a full moon, which must be on the opposite side of the earth from the sun.  If you get a chance to look at Jupiter though a telescope, it will be about the same place for a while; the moon will move off to the left.

  3. no thats still Jupiter, Venus will probably be on the horizan as the sun sets.
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